Easy 5 Mile Run
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Image via WikipediaDamn I've been a slacker. I haven't really ran at all for two weeks. Running .7 miles to the gym doesn't count! So tonight I decided to head to the Beverly Hills Niketown and run with the Run Club. At first I was only going to run the 3 mile route but I felt strong at the turnoff and decided to continue and run 5 miles. It wasn't my fastest run or my prettiest as that last mile was a killer. But I finished up with a respectable 44 minutes and 24 seconds. I so need to be running more! I also injured myself as I was running I tripped over something in the street and tweaked my left ankle. I limped a bit then was back to running. It was during the 1st mile and I didn't want to wus out.
So today was a very active day:
Rode on bike 2 miles to pool
Swam 3,000 yards
Rode on bike 2 miles to home
Ran .7 miles to gym
Weight training
Ran .7 miles to home
Rode on bike 2 miles to Niketown
Ran 5 miles
Rode on bke 2 miles to home
Now I won't feel so quilty when I don't swim this weekend. Saturday the WeHo pool is closed for an age group swim meet so no lap swim. The Saturday morning workout is a bit later but conflicts with some thing else I have planned. As for Sunday same conflict for the day. It's okay I'll just do weight training and call it a weekend!