Now It's The Blocks Fault!'s cold outside.

Redemption Workout

{{Potd/2007-02-25 (en)}}Image via WikipediaAfter the pool closing this morning and my horrible experience swimming at the gym I headed back to swim tonight for some redemption.  Monday night is normally a lightly attended workout but with the holiday coming up and various pool closures this week everyone must have decided to swim tonight.  As usual we had two fast lanes one with four faster fast swimmers and one with four just your run of the mill fast swimmers.  I jumped in with your run of the mill fast swimmers in the wall lane.  Ugh!  The faster fast swimmers NEVER get the wall lane.  But after this mornings gym swim really nothing in tonight's swim was about to bother me.

My warm up was at least a 400 but I know it was more.  I stopped counting and was just swimming lap by lap to we held up.  After we had our warm up set:
75 Kick (when i kick i feel like the girl pictured above)
75 Drill
75 Swim
Reverse IM order.  I went 4th in the lane and completed the freestyle before taking a pee break right on cue for the breaststroke.  I ended up only missing a 50 of the kick and a 50 of the drill.  And then cheated my ass off for the rest with a series of butterfly kicks about 3/4 of the 25 yard pool.  Once we got to the backstroke I moved up to 2nd and by the butterfly was leading the lane.  Which is my normal modus operatus as I pretty much goof off till I warm up.

Main Set:
4x100's Free Descending on 1:20
200 IM on 3:15
3x100's Free Descending on 1:20
200 IM on 3:15
2x100's Free Descending on 1:20
200 IM on 3:15
1x100 Free Fast on 1:20
200 IM on 3:15

The fast lane did the 100's on 1:15 and the 200 on 3:00.  I really need to bite the bullet and move up to the faster group.  I was getting way too much rest.  In the 200's I was getting at least 30 seconds and the 100's around 10 seconds.  Even if it means the lanes will be unbalanced with the number of people.  Over the last few weeks it's become clear that I'm faster than the group I've been swimming with.  I just worry that I might not be able to hack the extra few seconds less rest in some sets.  I've given myself to Jan of 2009 to move up.  Also this will relive my issues with people who skip butterfly during 200 IM's even though I do the breaststroke.  Seriously if I can do a 50 breaststroke everyone should be able to do a 50 butterfly.  Also in the faster lane except for one person in particular everyone pretty much does the entire set.  Not like tonight that someone took several parts of the main set off up to a whole 350 at one point.  Although tonight it didn't bother me too much as I like my lane mates tonight.  It's funny how if someone does something annoying but you favor them over another it becomes less annoying.  Lane mates, can't swim with them, can't swim with out them.

After that we did a sprint set:
100 easy free on 1:30
4x25's sprint on 30 choice (i did backstroke)
100 easy free on 1:30
4x25's sprint on 30 butterfly
100 easy free on 1:30
4x25's sprint on 30 choice (i did backstroke)
100 easy free on 1:30
4x25's sprint on 30 butterfly

Then I warmed down a 100.  I should have done another 100.  I'll be feeling it tomorrow.  Luckily I'm skipping my 6am LCM lap swim and will only be swimming at night. 

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