Doh...Strike Two
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Guess I really don't need to swim that bad. After cycling to swim last night only to see the power out block by block on the way to the pool and then finding the pool in darkness I figured I'd try to swim this morning. Power came back on last night at 9pm so the pool should be okay, right? In the back of my mind I knew that something would go wrong as it always does at the pool after a power outage. So for some reason knowing that it was a crap shoot this morning I cycled back to the pool for the 6am practice. And of course with my luck the pool was closed. Something about the water pump not working. Doh! So I just headed home and went back to bed. I thought about hitting the gym and going swimming but really I don't need to swim that bad. I'll just run tonight and do some EA Sports Active: More Workouts. At least it'll be better then nothing.
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