Lil' Evening Run
The Gingerbread Day Miracle

Sunday Morning LCM Freestyle Workout

With my trip to the sunshine state just around the corner I decided to hit the morning swim to get in a hard quality swim workout.  Since Sundays are long course meters I woke up bright and early and headed to the Culver City Plunge.  This is a temporary swim location so I am going to try and take advantage of as many workouts as I can at this pool.



3x100's Kick

2x100's Drill

2x100's Kick

1x100 Swim

I think that was it.  Something like that.  1400 meters.

Main Set:

600 Free on 9 mins

3x400's 6 mins 

600 Free (2400)

then we ran out of time so it was warm down time.  I did a 200.  We ran out of time as we all got in the pool late due to the fact that the pool covers were on when we got there.  So we didn't get into the pool till about 15 minutes late. 3800 LCM. 

My arms are like jello.  Haven't felt so tired and beat up in a long time.  It's great!  The rest of the main set that we didn't do was 2x400's on 5:50 and then 3x200's.  Don't know how well would have held up if we had to finish the set.   Everyone in my lane was cruizing at a good pace so it was a great workout just staying on pace with everyone.  The pool is long course which I love and they keep it chilly so I am love with this pool.  Wish we swam long course every day.


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