I Hate Nature, The Cold, Humidity and So Much More
Would You Like Some Fly With That Swim?

Quick Morning Workout

Well at least I got in a short workout which is better then no workout.  This morning I set my alarm for an hour earlier than I needed.  Doh!  What was I thinking?  Actually I was thinking the pool opened at 6am but it opens at 7am.  So I got an extra hour of just laying around and playing Cityville on Facebook.  Oy!

Then it was time to go swim.  Workout was okay for what it was.

Warm Up

200 Swim

200 Pull

50 Back

50 Free Swim (500)

then we all regrouped and did a 200 kick (200/700)

4x50's Kick/Drill IM order on 1:10 (200/900)

Main Set:

4x175's on 2:30 (700/1600) Freestyle

then 4x100's Reverse IM on 2:00 (400/2000)

Then I did a 50 easy (50/2050).  Since the pool opens at 7 and I gotta be at work by 9 I had to get out early.  But I got in the pool so that is something.


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Oh, yes, it actually really is a good little workout! You've had a tough year with this move and new job and stuff - you should feel good that you're getting back into a routine (insofar as work schedule permits), your base fitness is probably very good and you'll be able to do whatever you want in 2011 - like maybe an Olympic-distance triathlon!!!

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