Should Have Stayed In Bed Workout!
Monday, April 18, 2011
After yesterday's swim I never did get around to hitting the gym. I kept putting it off and off and before I knew it was 5pm and the gym was closed. Well actually it was like 3:45 but I figured by the time I got ready and to the gym well it would have been too late. So then my dreams turned to waking up and going for a run before 7am's swim. But my bed was just too comfy to crawl out of. So I'll just swim this morning. My alarm went off at 6:05am and I hit snooze. But then I was told myself to get out bed now! So I got out and 35 minutes later was out the door.
To be honest I should have stayed in bed...Warmed up a mixed 450 then a 200 kick for a 650 warm up.
I so wasn't warmed up enough to jump into the main set.
Two Rounds -
4x50's on 60 (Fly/Back, Breast/Free by 25's and repeat)
200 Back on 3:30
4x50's on 60 (Fly/Back, Breast/Free by 25's and repeat)
200 IM on 3:30
Hmm...that looks wrong. Maybe the 200's before the 4x50's? Meh, whatever. I sucked. I was frustrated. I wanted to give up. We dont' have flags up in the morning so swimming towards the middle I had a hard time seeing the poles to count into my turns. So I was just looking all over which pretty much destroyed my backstroke. Not that my backstroke is pretty to begin with. Also I came into the set frustrated by a lack of speed from the beginning which stayed with me the whole set. It was a wasted workout. The last 200 IM I cheated during the breaststroke just to keep up. My times were sooo bad. (1600/2250)
Then we ended up the workout with 6x75's on 1:15 pulling breathing every 3. (450/2700)
I'm glad I stayed in even when I wanted to give up. Maybe if I had went for an early morning run I would of been in a better mind set. Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda! Well at least I got in a workout.
I think since I do swim the 200 back at meets I need to practice. At least our Wednesday pool has flags at 5:30am. Ill do more backstroke then. I think I just started out half asleep and let the small stuff get to me today. One bad swim day, thats all it was.
Posted by: the17thman | Monday, April 18, 2011 at 07:34 PM
I find swimming backstroke outside in a pool without flags distinctly unenjoyable.
I know it is a good IM 'bits' workout, but were you not slightly tempted to adapt the fly/back, breast/free set to be instead fly/back, fly/free? It is more fun, distinctly faster and yet still in the spirit of the workout!...
Posted by: Jenny Davidson | Monday, April 18, 2011 at 06:41 PM