Olympic Swimmer Rowdy Gaines
Thursday's Swim Report - Let's All Do The Cielo Strut!

Why Do I Suck At Breaststroke Workout!

Thursday morning makes three in a row in the pool.  After being more miss then hit for the month I'm settling into a swim routine.  Of course this will all change next week.  But at least I got in the water.

Warm Up
200 Swim / 200 Pull / 100 Swim IM
300 Free Catch Up Drill (900)

Main Set:
5 Rounds -
50 Fly/Free on 55
50 Back/Free on 55
50 Breast/Free on 60
150 IM NO FREE on 2:40 (300/1500/2400)

I had a bit more to swim but time was up.  So I missed out on 5x100's Free pulling, breathing every 3.  Oh well.  I felt good swimming today.  Was nice to get some stroke in.  Most of the 150's I was doing a 2:12 or so but the last one I was down to a 2:02.  Not great but not bad.  Considering how slow I am in breaststroke.  So a 2,400 yard workout.

ThursNow looking at my GTD I'm still a bit behind.  The year is almost 1/2 over and I'm not even close to 50% of my goal.  At least I'm above 1/3!  Hoping I can make up some of this by swimming on Sundays before work during the summer and longer swims on Sundays in the fall.  JuneI so need to swim at least 5,000 yards this month.  I so cannot be under 20,000 yards for the month.  Later I do have to swim a little bit more.  Don't know what yet just a quick thingy.  It's sorta my unofficial official try out to swim in the Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday group of a local swim team here. 


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