Rearview Mirror 2012 In Laps
Wednesday's Swim Report - Now With 13% More Swam

Celebrating Six Years of Workout Posts By Getting Slower and Slower

My first swim workout for 2012.  This makes year 6 of me posting workouts.  Seems like only yesterday I posted my first swim workout.  One thing I do remember about it was that I swam a hell of a lot faster then I do now.  Here is the first workout post from Jan 2, 2006 LINK.  After reading the post I realized I did post workouts in 05' but really let's say 6 years ago today for the fun of it!  As for today's swim... Jan2

When I got to the pool everyone was already on deck so my warm up was only a 400.  I was pulling w/o paddles.  Then we did 3x100's kick.  I meseed up with the Garmin Watch and enetered a 200 not a 300.  I really couldn't see the watch in the dark. 

Main Set:

3x100's on 1:40

3x200's on 3:20

3x100's on 1:40

1st Round of 3x100's I had to swim 1x25 choice.  So I did them all 75 Free/25 Back.

200's I had to swim 1x50 choice.  So I did them all 150 Free / 50 Back

2nd Round of 3x100's I had to swim them IM.  Ugh!

Distance:     1,200 yd
Pool Length:     25 yd
Time:     19:38
Avg Pace:     1:20 min/100 yd
Calories:     264 C
Avg Efficiency :     32
Avg SWOLF :     29

1    1:19.2     100     1:19
2    1:22.5     100     1:23
3    1:18.2     100     1:18
4    2:39.5     200     1:20
5    2:36.5     200     1:18
6    2:35.9     200     1:18
7    1:23.4     100     1:24
8    1:22.9     100     1:23
9    1:17.8     100     1:18

The times are not exact as  was gliding into the wall on the backstroke ones and then stopping the watch.  The second one wasn't slower I was just having difficulty stopping the watch.  (1200/1900)

That was it.  I warmed down a 50.  Should have done another 50 to even it up.  But today's swim was 1,950 yards.  Now this is the part of the post when I promise/resolve to swim more and swim harder in 2013.  But I'm not.  I'm not going to kid myself.  I'll just swim when I can.  GtdHey lookie, I only gotta swim 86,050 yards this year!  Oy!


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