Speedo UK: No Strap Test - Fastskin Elite Goggles
Saturday's Swim Report: Golden Swimmers, Female Swimmers and Masters Swimmers All Swim Together

This Is Not A Joke, I Tried To Swim Semi-Workout

Yeah, my second swim for the month of March is now done.  Yup, two swims in one month.  I'm on a roll.  I decided that since on Saturday's I only teach a 30 minute spin class later in the morning I could start swimming again at least on Saturday.  Hey, one day a week isn't too bad.  Well, yeah it is!   I'm looking at the last few times I swam and it's really sad.  Once every two weeks.  Saturday, February 26th then Saturday, March 16th.  Why am I even bothering swimming anymore?  

I can't get the damn Garmin Swim watch to connect to figure out what I swam and all he info.  The total on my watch said I swam 1,800 yards.  Grrr…not that it was much of a swim.  It was me just splashing around a bit. 

Warm Up
300 Swim
200 Pull
200 Kick

I did some 50's Pulling on 55.  Some with paddles some without.  How many?  Hmm..oh wait it looks like my watch might be syncing, or not? IguessOh yeah 6x50's pulling w/o paddles.   I missed the first 50 recording on the watch cuz I didn't hit the button hard enough.

1    :40.6     50     1:21
2    :40.6     50     1:21
3    :39.1     50     1:18
4    :40.5     50     1:21
5    :40.0

I think the interval was like 55 seconds.  Then I did 6x50's with pulling with paddles.

1    :40.5     50     1:21
2    :40.2     50     1:21
3    :39.3     50     1:18
4    :41.3     50     1:23
5    :40.2     50     1:20
6    :40.7     50     1:21

200 Kick.  Nice and easy.

Then I tried to do some 25's but couldn't see the clock and although I tried to set a custom mode on the watch for me to get sendoffs I screwed up so that was only 2x25's.

3x50's Fly/Back, Back/Breast, Brest/Free

then some talking...

3x50's Fly/Back, Back/Breast, Brest/Free

Then an easy 50 cool down.

I guess that's 1,900 yards give or take.  HahaThat is really really sad!  In three months I've swum as much as a really bad swim month. 

Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Total    15.71 miles (=27,650 yards, =25,283 meters)

I really need to get my act together!  I'm so out of swim shape!


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