Arena Swim Chat - Ranomi Kromowidjojo
Swimming Inspiration Quote

Super Short and Quick Swim Workout

My firest swim in a week.  Work has been hectic so swimming has been on the back burner.  I've been subbing in Spin and other classes then had a Core training on Saturday.  Plus a few other things.  I actually taught and filmed a Centergy (Yoga and Pilates inspired class think Les Mills Flow) this week for certification.  So I'm working out just not in the pool.  Now I have a sit down actual learning class on Wednesdays at 9am so I can get in a quick workout in the morning.  Here it is for this week...

Warm Up
350 easy swim.  Why a 350?  Cuz' I stopped to say hi to a fellow swimmer.  So then I decided to move on to a set.

Main Set
5x200's Pulling w/ Paddles on 3 minutes.  An easy interval!  I had in my mind I'd descend them but hit a bit of a hiccup on the 4th one.
1    2:42.3     200     1:21
2    2:37.7     200     1:19
3    2:34.2     200     1:17
4    2:35.6     200     1:18
5    2:29.0     200     1:15

Cooled down a 50.  So 1,400 yards in about 25 minutes.  Now breakfast and off to class.  Hopefully I'll get to a Daily Swim Report in the afternoon.  I got a few hours break from work later.

My Progress for Go The Distance 2013
Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    12.10 miles (=21,300 yards, =19,477 meters)
Jul    13.44 miles (=23,650 yards, =21,626 meters)
Aug    8.96 miles (=15,775 yards, =14,425 meters)
Sep    7.19 miles (=12,650 yards, =11,567 meters)
Total    71.52 miles (=125,875 yards, =115,100 meters)

My swim goals this week is to swim at least one more time and then on Sunday  We shall see how that goes. 


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