Jenny Whiteley (AUS) - ISHOF 2013 Honor Swimmer
Saturday's Swim Report - Are 512 pushups too many for a swimmer?

If I Swim Any Slower I'll Be Swimming Backwards Workout

Luckily this morning I was able to remember where the pool was located.  I haven't swam in about 11 days due to work and then having a cold.  Normally 11 days of no swimming is pretty bad but considering I wasn't swimming that much before these 11 days and you get a very slow and sore swim workout.  UPDATE:  NOT 11 Days but 13 Days!  Last time I swam was two weeks ago tomorrow!  Oy!

Warm Up:
400 Swim
200 Pull
200 Kick

Main Set:
6x200's Free Descending.
- 1 & 2 Straight 200 yard swim on 3:00
- 3 & 4 Broken at 100 yard with a 10 second rest on 3:10
- 5 & 6 Broken at 50 yards with a 5 second rest on 3:20
It was a lot of math for my pretty little head.  Luckily my Garmin Swim keeps track for me.
1    2:49.9     200     1:25
2    2:44.7     200     1:22
3    1:19.9     100     1:20
4    1:18.9     100     1:19
5    1:17.7     100     1:18
6    1:16.4     100     1:16
7    :37.7     50     1:16
8    :37.2     50     1:14
9    :37.1     50     1:14
10    :37.8     50     1:16
11    :35.1     50     1:10
12    :35.7     50     1:11
13    :35.6     50     1:11
14    :34.4     50     1:09
Somehow I was able to descend them but those times are super slow!  A 2:49 for a 200 Free?  OY!

My Progress for Go The Distance 2013
Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    12.10 miles (=21,300 yards, =19,477 meters)
Jul    13.44 miles (=23,650 yards, =21,626 meters)
Aug    8.96 miles (=15,775 yards, =14,425 meters)
Sep    12.07 miles (=21,250 yards, =19,431 meters)
Oct    1.14 miles (=2,000 yards, =1,829 meters)
Total    77.54 miles (=136,475 yards, =124,793 meters)

25 Miles By December 25th:

Swim 6.022727 Miles

Run 0 Miles

I really need to get running!  Pretty much got 2 1/2 months to run 25 miles and swim another 19 miles.


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