Joe's Fly Them To You Kill Them Swim Workout
Monday, October 20, 2014
Here’s to having something to do other than golfing…. Pretty basic and short workout. The hardest part will be the 8 x 25s fly and the 100 free sprint at the end. No rest between the two so go right in to the 100 free. Do it twice for extra credit. J
My name is Joe Denton, I am a 41 year old swimmer in Seattle Washington. I've been swimming competitively since I was 11 (with an 8 year break in the middle somewhere) and find the pleasure to be worth the sacrifice. I swim with a few local master's teams in the Seattle area and also on my own due to scheduling conflicts. Because of that, I end up writing a lot of my own workouts which is something I've recently discovered I really enjoy. I end up reading a lot about the training techniques that are being developed and in my free time watch training videos on YouTube and other sites. My workouts tend to focus on stroke as I am primarily and IM'er, but I also do a fair amount of distance free training as I swim a few open water distance events as well (but those workouts tend to be in the spring/summer).