Sunday's Swim Report - Pop Goes The Swimmer & Other Swim Bits

Lane 1 - NY Press posts "A Solution for Disabled Swimmers. In response to complaints, City parks will replace battery-operated lifts at public pools with hydraulic ones."

Withings-activite-pop-frederic-bousquet-piscine-molitor-paris-4Lane 2 - Withings posts "Swimming with champion Frederick Bousquet. Bousquet dove into a pool in Paris on the day of our swim tracking launch to demo the new feature and is currently helping Withings give Activité and Activité Pop users the best possible swim tracking experience. He has more than a few tips to give you, whether you’re a sometime splasher or an experienced swimmer."

Lane 3 - Our Windsor posts "Pan Am pool built for speed. Depth, contours, wider lanes make aquatic centre pool one of the world’s fastest. What evolved is a sophisticated approach to give swimmers every advantage. Decks are gently sloped up from the pool, which quells waves, to a drainage system so water pushed out of the pool does not splash back. Instead it goes into a holding tank designed to instantly release the same amount of water back into the pool so the level never changes."

Lane 4 - The Bellingham Herald posts "Lezak jumps in to teach Whatcom swimmers. The importance of having fun while training to be an athlete was the take-away point from eight-time Olympic medalist Jason Lezak as he spoke to young Whatcom County swim team members on Saturday, July 18. “When I just showed up and went through the motions, my body was there but my heart wasn’t, and I couldn’t perform,” Lezak said."

Lane 5 - Outsports posts "Arizona swimmer came out as gay and everybody shrugged."

Lane 6 - Active posts "How to Train for an Open Water Race in the Pool. As a triathlete, you are an open water swimmer. Preparing for ocean or lake swimming is requisite, but good news--it's something that can be practiced in the pool. Even on days when you're unable to get to a local lake or the ocean, there are some training methods that can be accomplished in the pool that simulate many open water skills."

Découvrez les égéries HOM / Discover the new HOM fashion icons

After a few weeks of suspense, HOM is happy to reveal its new fashion icons...8 famous French Swimmers : Frederick Bousquet, Romain Magula, Grégory Mallet, Maxime Bussière, Florent Manaudou, Camille Lacourt, Dorian Gandin, Fabien Gilot !

Voici en exclusivité sur Facebook le making of du film / Watch the making of the film exclusively on Facebook : Hh01

Wednesday's Swim Report / Things I Might Have Missed

Taking a recovery day from swimming, running, gym and treating myself to a gallon or two of boxed wine.  While I am busy passed out here are a few of the stories that I might have missed...

1.  The SCAQ Blog talks about "Frederick Bousquet wins the 50-free prelim, Freddiebousquet  Alain Bernard Second, Leveaux third!"  I will admit I only link to this for the eye candy!  Mmmm….FREDDIE!  Love the foto, how much inked hotness can be in one foto and not be porn?

2.  Speaking of hunks... Swimming World talks to Peter Marshall on his trip to Haiti.

3.  The Swimming Workout Wizard, which is way too long of a name for a blog, talks about "Leadoff Pace" and includes a LCM Goal Pace Spreadsheet to get to your goal time this summer.

4.  I hate to admit it when I am wrong cuz' well I am never wrong.  But the blog Swimintelligence does have a convincing post "The Case for Breathing Every 3" Hmm…as a great man named Homer Simpson once said "Prove me wrong, Silent Bob!"  I guess in this case it's Swimintelligence that is proving me wrong, damn them!

5.  Congrats to my favorite canuck WENDY!  According to her blog OF(f) The Deep End she "has me moved up to the 750,000 metre group in the Million Metre Challenge."  I don't even really know what that means but it seems like a major fucking deal.  And she is one of my long time readers.  Oh and she is stylish.  Her blog isn't just about swimming laps you get to see her latest purse and shoe purchases.  It's like "Sex & The Swimming Pool".

6.  Over at The Swimmers Circle they look at doing flip turns correctly.  Which for me is a new concept.  All I can remember was attending a backstroke clinic with Peter Marshall after viewing my flip turn on video he was like "as for that flip turn that is a whole other hour".  They are that bad!

7.  Mmmm…Everyone always loves the bad boys, especially when they are as hot as 341246-nick-d-039-arcy  Nick D'Arcy!  From The Daily Telegraphy "Bad boy of Australian swimming D'Arcy back in the fold."  Mmm...Bad boys, bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do?  When they U come for you ME!

8.  Backing it up to Friday for Garret Weber-Gales Friday Food Fact!

9.  Over at Gold Medal Mel or Gold Medal Media.  Mel calls Chloe Sutton "Swimming's Pro Double Threat."  

10.  You'd think as a swimmer I'd know this answer but "Can You Actually Taste Water?" The scifi blog io9 looks into the science of tasting water.  

Oh and as always feel free to email story ideas and new blog links.  I am trying to find as many USMS teams that have blogs.  Just trying to see what it out there for swimming in the intertube thingy.  I think as I was typing this I got about three emails from my team changing times and locations of Sunday workouts due to pool issues.  I really have said this so many times over the years but when there is an SPMA swim meet that practices should be cancelled.  The coach would work the swim meet and if you want to swim fuck go to the meet.  But that is a whole other post.  See you Sunday at UCLA.

BREAKING NEWS: Baby Freddie On The Way!

Here is the news folks:

(ANSA)-PARIGI, 25 NOV - Laure Manaudou incinta:si sapeva ma non era mai stato detto.E' stato Brett Hawke,tecnico del compagno Frederick Frederick Bousquet17 Bousquet, a farselo sfuggire. Hawke, che allena pure il brasiliano Cesar Cielo Filho, ha fatto questa affermazione in una tv Usa convinto che tutti ne fossero gia' al corrente 'Fred - ha detto Hawke - avra' un bambino con la sua ragazza Laure Manaudou in aprile, e vogliono passare un po' di tempo in Francia'.  - source
Or in English:

Laure Manaudou pregnant: you knew but had never been detto.E 'was Brett Hawke, technical companion Frederick Bousquet, to have it slip. Hawke, che allena pure il brasiliano Cesar Cielo Filho, ha fatto questa affermazione in una tv Usa convinto che tutti ne fossero gia' al corrente 'Fred - ha detto Hawke - avra' un bambino con la sua ragazza Laure Manaudou in aprile, e vogliono passare un po' di tempo in Francia'. Hawke, who also trains the Brazilian Cesar Cielo Filho, made this statement in a U.S. television convinced that everyone had already 'know' Fred - said Hawke - will have 'a baby with his girlfriend Laure Manaudou in April, and they want spend some 'time in France'.