Choose your Human Race Ambassador: Hear from your 2009 Nike+ Human Race Ambassadors: Amandah, Drew, Erin, Heidi, Justin, Ken, Petey, Sarah Kay, Shannon and Toto!
As I mentioned last week the 2009 Nike Human Race date is set, October 24th. Now it is officially official as now not only is the site up and running LINK but now the press releases are out and various media outlets are drumming up some noise. Including Nike's hometown press:
While the 10K run, which is going to be held on October 24, sees its main events organized in just three places across the United States, including the University of Southern California, different stores and groups are registering online to host smaller running events that anyone can be a part of. - source
Check online for your local Nike Human Race events. Also see lots of pictures and what not of last years I have a bunch of stuff posted LINK (scroll down on that page link for photos of past Nike hosted 10K's) that you can look at. As for me I look forward to the 2009 Human Race. Now only if I can beat last years time. (photo from the nike run hit remix which is now The Human Race)
First of all the 2009 Nike Huan Race will be on October 24th click LINK for more info. That is only 72 days to train for the 10k. Tonight was my first run with the Niketown Run Club in months. I ran the 5 mile run. Did it at about 45 mins. Didn't time myself. Next week as i bought the new Nike+ Sportband 2.0. I got the pink and white one. So now I have no excuse not to run. Plus keeping track of my runs on Nike+ makes me want to run. Earlier today I hit the gym and did arms and chest. I wasn't that inspired to workout.
According to Nike exactly 779,275 people ran on 08.31.08 for Nike+ Human Race 10K
event. That's a hell of a lot of runners! With a portion of entry fee for all those runners going to charities like it was truly a day of running for change.
To date over over 1.2 million members have joined Nike+ online making it the largest online running community. These runners have logged over 21 million runs and nearly 78 million miles.
The Nike+ community continues to grow with new products like the Nike+ Sportsband and now with the new iPod Touch from Apple featuring Nike+ built in. Find our more about Nike+ online at LINK and keep up to date on Nike Running at LINK.
Brightroom, the official photographer for LA and several US cities Nike+ The Human Race has posted the photos for the race. Since LA was at night I gotta admit they are not so hot. I found mine bib # 294936. I am the far left bottom corner in the grey shorts. Yeah, I didn't get the message to wear black shorts. I only have one pair of black gym shorts and I'm not crazy how they fit. You can view photos by name, bib number or by browsing them all online at LINK.
Tiffani Thiessen, Jason Priestley, Jerry O'Connell are among the celebrities who ran here in Los Angeles. While in Austin, Texas Matthew McConaughey, Lance Armstrong and Olympic swimmers Brendan Hansen and Aaron Peirsol ran the race.
According to the Nike+ website Armstrong finished 6th among men with a time of 34'54". One bog has Brendan Hansen coming in with a time of 49'57".
People Magazine is reporting LINK that McConaughey completed the Human Race in under 44 minutes beating his goal of 45.
The Human Race Los Angeles almost turned out to be a 90210 Reunion with Jason Priestly now sporting a beard running also.
So how did you do? I did a slow time of 52 minutes. I was faster at the LA Pride 10K but it was less crowded and early in the morning which makes a difference for me.
photo of Priestley from Towleroad LINK photo of Thiessen from US Magazine LINK
Over 10,000 runners all running at the same time make an incredible invigorating sound as they hit the pavement. Running in the Los Angeles Nike+ Human Race tonight I only kept one iPod earbud in as I wanted to listen to the sounds of the event. Every so often along the run Nike had little stages that featured sounds from around the world. I remember seeing and hearing Australia, Japan, China, France and others that I just can't place right now. The Can Can blasting as I passed the France stage inspired me to run even harder.
But the real sound that got me going was the sound of those 10,000 runners pounding the pavement. At various points when you had the runners running both directions on the street the sound of feet hitting the street was amazing. The runners created the real soundtrack of the night.
I got to admit that I don't like running at night. I like to see where I am running. Something about running the potholed riddled streets of Los Angeles make me a bit nervous. Oh and I didn't do my best 10K time tonight. But that doesn't matter. These big races are for fun and let's face it I'm not a serious runner.
After the run I grabbed myself some water, a quick trip to the restroom and then headed over to the VIP area to get some food. I really want to thank the folks at Nike who put me on that list. Thanks!
As for my time and all I will post that later. For some reason my Nike+ Sportband isn't synching right and I'm too lazy to restart my mac. The official results via the time chip will be up in a few days. I'll deal with my slow 10K time in another post. But for now I just want to remember the sound of 10,000 runners hitting the pavement. It was inspiring!
I will try to update from time to time with new Flickr and Picasa Photostreams of the various cities around the world of Nike's The Human Race 10K. I will add a few blogs that I may stumble apon. We will start with Signapore where the race finished and is already over. If you have a Photostream/Blog or Slideshow add a comment below. I know for me I like to view the various photos from around the world. Austindotcom's Flickr Photo Stream from Austin has pictures of Lance Armstrong and the other celebrity runners. Also check out the Official nike Running Blog for a few photos from Portland LINK
Argentina: Bruno's Photostream LINK Muvi's Photostream LINK Guillermo's Web Album LINK 0millencolinO's Photostream LINK
Austin, TX Topseo's Photostream LINK Austindotcom's Photostream LINK Brianb's Photostream LINK PiranaBros' Blog LINK Eric's Photostream LINK Katie's Photostream LINK urbangrounds Blog LINK Phillip's Photostream LINK Hopson's Photostream LINK
Australia: Venki's Web Album LINK DownUnder's Photostream LINK
Chicago: Erin's Photostream LINK Vito's Web Album LINK Kdoohan's Photostream LINK Ejshea's Photostream LINK
Isatnbul: Caner's Photostream LINK Kanzuk's Photostream LINK
Signapore: Calvin's Web Album LINK Dwayne's Blog LINK Runwitme Blog LINK La Senza's Web Album LINK Danny's Web Album LINK & LINK Tan's Photostream LINK Jinn's Photostream LINK Pinkass' Photostream LINK Bernardoh's Photostream LINK Macbiff's Photstream LINK Noelaup's Photostream LINK Xin3's Photostream LINK Linlian's Photostream LINK
Madird, Spain: Canecillo's Photostream LINK PinkerTone's Photostream LINK Agustin's Photostream LINK
Warsaw: Rafal's Web Album LINK Igornot's Photostream LINK
Unclassified: Getty Editorial Images LINK Abenefit2u's Photostream LINK Qualen's Photostream LINK Tina's Blog LINK Snafu's Photostream LINK Ksyan's Photostream LINK JRunnings Blog LINK Gijsbregt's Photstream LINK Woji's Photostream LINK Kitzzy's Blog LINK Jackey's Web Album LINK Zhang's Web Album LINK runningdatcom Blog LINK Junsik's Web Album LINK rundangerously Blog LINK Chunkymunkee's Photostream LINK JohnnyDog's Photostream LINK Magamaga's Photostream LINK Bobo's Blog LINK Staff's Photostream LINK Jake's Photostream LINK Tanjun's Photostream LINK