Rearview Mirror: My August Workouts
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Here is August by the numbers:
In August I ran 3 times for 27.23 miles.
Compared to past months:
July I ran 15 times for 66.54 miles
June I ran 12 times for 15.92 miles
May I ran 1 times for 3.08 miles.
April I ran 16 times for 28.23 miles.
March I ran 18 times for 91.35 miles.
February I ran 18 times for 75.14 miles.
January I ran 24 times for 124.97 miles.
August wasn't a big number for running. I blame it on the heat. Just didn't want to run and getting up at 5am to run before it got hot out just never happened. My goal for September is to get back to at least 50 miles for the month. I'm sure I'll run more then that but that is my goal.
As for swimming...
I swam a pitiful total of 25,300 yards.
Had a lot going on in August and as you can see swimming and running really didn't happen.
Compared to past months:
July I swam 49,900 SCY
June I swam 43,650 SCY and 4,000 LCM
May I swam 55,000 SCY
April I swam 46,050 SCY
February I swam 53,250 SCY
January I swam 46,750 SCY
290,425 SCY for 2010.
And as you can see from my cal I've been cycling. Mostly just to the pool and to work. Cycled 68.66 miles in the month.
Well that was my August. September is going to be a different story. Mostly working out is on hold. I've moved so no gym and mostly no swimming. Need to settle in then find a swim team. May do some laps at a local pool but it's 20 yards. So maybe just some goofing off to keep myself in the pool. But I will run more. Keeping fit this month will be a challenge.