Rearview Mirror: My August Workouts

Here is August by the numbers:

In August I ran 3 times for  27.23 miles.

Compared to past months:

July I ran 15 times for 66.54 miles

June I ran 12 times for 15.92 miles

May I ran 1 times for 3.08 miles.

April I ran 16 times for 28.23 miles.

March I ran 18 times for 91.35 miles.

February I ran 18 times for 75.14 miles.

January I ran 24 times for 124.97 miles.

August wasn't a big number for running.  I blame it on the heat.  Just didn't want to run and getting up at 5am to run before it got hot out just never happened.  My goal for September is to get back to at least 50 miles for the month.  I'm sure I'll run more then that but that is my goal.

As for swimming...

I swam a pitiful total of 25,300 yards. 

Had a lot going on in August and as you can see swimming and running really didn't happen.

Compared to past months:

July I swam 49,900 SCY
June I swam 43,650 SCY and 4,000 LCM
May I swam 55,000 SCY
April I swam 46,050 SCY
February I swam 53,250 SCY
January I swam 46,750 SCY

290,425 SCY for 2010.

And as you can see from my cal I've been cycling.  Mostly just to the pool and to work.  Cycled 68.66 miles in the month.

Well that was my August.  September is going to be a different story. Mostly working out is on hold.  I've moved so no gym and mostly no swimming.  Need to settle in then find a swim team.  May do some laps at a local pool but it's 20 yards.  So maybe just some goofing off to keep myself in the pool.  But I will run more.  Keeping fit this month will be a challenge. 

Wednesday Morning Comeback To Swim

Well this morning's swim went better then last nights.  After warming up I felt good in the water making it a redemption workout.  I am actually shocked how well I was swimming this morning.  It wasn't easy and I had a lane full of swimmers pushing me to go faster and faster.

Warm Up

400 Mixed

Then we did a warm up set but I can't remember it all.  Between last nights swimming and this mornings it's all a blur.  I think it was -

3 Rounds (1 Fly / 1 Back / 1 Breast)

100 - 25 kick / 50 Drill / 25 Kick  ( i think)

50 Free Swim

50 Stroke Swim (600/1000)  Don't remember the intervals.  Even though I was leader.

More warming up...

150 Pull breathing 3/5/7 on 2:10????

3x50's Free Descend on 45

150 Pull breathing 3/5/7 again

3x50's Switches on 50 (600/1600)

Main Set:

300 Free  on 3:50

250 (50 Free / 50 Stroke / 50 Free / 50 Stroke / 50 Free) I want to say 3:25

200 Free on 2:30

150 (50 Free / 50 Stroke / 50 Fee) Don't remember interval.

100 Free on 1:20

50 Stroke.  Don't remember the interval but we waited for the next top.

300 Free on 3:50

250 (50 Stroke / 50 Free / 50 Stroke / 50 Free / 50 Stroke) Maybe 3:20 this time

200 Free on 2:30

150 (50 Stroke / 50 Free / 50 Stroke) Have no idea the interval

100 Free on 1:15

50 Stroke

I did backstroke for all the stroke.  Since I was leading the lane I really pushed myself today.  The free/stroke section were a bit more comfortable as my backstroke was stronger and was able to get some distance between me and the person behind me.  But the all free were a challenge.  I really had to work to stay ahead.(2100/3700)  I don't remember the last time  I had to work so hard in a workout.  Glad I lead the fast lane otherwise I would have slacked off.

We finished up with

4x75's. The 1st one was recovery, 2nd one the last 25 was with a 6 beat kick, 3rd one the last 50 was 6 beat kick and the final one was all with a 6 beat kick. (300/4000)

Damn that was a good workout.


Crappy Tuesday Night Swim

Last night i set my alarm to get up bright and early to go for a run.  Since my sleep patterns have been messed up since i went off sleeping pills i decided to go back on them last night.  And they sorta worked but not fully.  So this i was too tired to run.  So swimming tonight was a must for me.  Too bad my body wasn't in agreement with that plan.  After work i had a quick snack and cycled to the pool.

Warm Up

400 Mixed

400 im kick

4x100's  50 Drill / 50 Swim (1200)

3x200's at least 6 underwater fly kicks 1st 200 - 100 kick / 100 swim 2nd 2300 - 50 swim /100 kick / 50 swim  3rd 200 - 100 swim / 100 kick (600/100)

6x50's umm..on 55 kicking at least 6 underwater fly kicks off the wall (150/1950)

500 Pull 1st 100 DPS / 2nd 100 -1 stroke cycle / 3rd 100 - 1.5 stroke cycle / 200 breath control 3/5/any/7 by 50 (500/2450)

Already cramps were setting in.  Was going to get out but stayed in.  Should have given up.

3x400's on 5:20 descending.  Swam thew first one slew and felt the cramps coming.   On the 2nd 400 at the 250 full on cramp.  Workout was over for me. (650/3100)

Hopefully tomorrow morning will be better.



50 Minute Swim Workout

After over sleeping to 5:30 this morning  had to grab my gear and book it to the pool.  Bad luck of course was the order of the morning.  No lifeguards.  They didn't show up to about 6:15.  So by the time they got thew covers off we didn't get in till 6:25.

Warm Up

Warm Up Set
16x50's 2 Kick / 1 Drill / 1 swim (i think)

Main Set:
4x100's im on 1:30
4x75'd im no free on 1:10
4x50's fly/back on 50
4x25's fly on 30

easy 50

12x50's on 55 1 easy / 1 build / 1 sprint all choice (1 round fly / 1 round back / 2 rounds free)

easy 25

5 random sprint 25

50 warm down

3000 yard Workout

Thursday PM Workout

Warm Up
550 Mxed

4x150's on 2:20 100 Pull Breathing 3/5/3/7 by 25 / 25 streamline off wall 1/2 way then choice Kick to wall / 25 butterfly Kick on back

3x150's 50 Drill / 50 finger tip drag / 50 swim

Man Free Set:

300 on 4:00 (left early on 3:50)
200 on 2:40
300 on 4:00 in theory  took extra rest to regroup lane mates.
100 on 1:30
200 on 3:00
300 no interval
easy 50 on about 1:20
next top…
4x100's on 1:20 all fast / all out.  my times 1:07/1:07/1:07/1:06. 

50 warm down

Really good workout even though I only swam the one hour.  Total of 3500 yards for the workout.

Middle Distance 500 Freestyle Workout

After swimming last night I was up and ready this morning for another swim. Well maybe not ready but I was up and headed to the pool.  After last nights killer IM/Stroke workout I was looking forward to a freestyle workout this morning.  And boy did I get a freestyle workout this morning. OY!  My arms are sore but in a good way.

Warm Up


2 Rounds of 75 Kick / 50 Swordfish / 50 Drill (1 Arm / Turn on 3) / 75 DPS Freestyle.  10 seconds rest between the rounds.  (500/950)

500 Pulling (500/1450)

4x25's on 35 concentrating on pushing off underwater with butterfly kick (!00/1550)

5x100's 1st one 10 seconds rest but continuing with the underwater steamline then the rest all pace on 1:20 (500/2050)

The Meat Of the Freestyle Portion of the workout -

2x500's - 1st one broken by 250 taking 10 seconds rest on 7 minutes.  Negative split the 500.  I did a 3:10 and a 3:05.  The second 500 was straight.  I did a 5:56. I think. (1000/3050)

100 easy (100/3150)

Stroke time with a short stroke warm up and then set.

100 Breast Kick / 50 Fly Drill / 50 Back Swim (200/3350)

3x100's IM descend on 1:45 (300/3650)

I then warmed down a 100 for 3750 yards.  Overall I liked the workout.  I was sore from last night but was able to rally and finish.  I'll be hurting for the rest of the day but it was worth it.  Over the last few months getting motivated to swim has been tough but between this week's three swims I'm feeling a bit motivated.  Hopefully this will carry over next week and then the week after that.

Painfull IM Workout

Wow was tonights workout a whopper!  It was an all stroke / im workout.

Warm Up

Mixed 500.  Did mostly free and backstroke (500)

4 Rounds

75 Kick / 75 Drill / 50 Swim

The kick was choice, the 75 was one of each stroke and the swim was distance per stroke freesytle.  (800/1300)

Umm..then we did something that was a descend.  Hmm...what was it?  Meh..whatever.  Think it was 2x50's then 4x25's.  Or not.  (200/1500)

Main Set:

3x50's IM (fly/back, back/breast, breast/free) on 50 (150)

3x100's Stroke or IM on 1:30 (300/450)

3x200's IM on 3:00 (600/1050)

3x100's Stroke or IM on 1:30 (300/1350)

3x50's IM (fly/back, back/breast, breast/free) on 50 (150/1500)

3x100's Stroke or IM on 1:30 (300/1800)

3x200's IM on 3:00 (600/2400)

3x100's Stroke or IM on 1:30 (300/2700)

3x50's IM (fly/back, back/breast, breast/free) on 50 (150/2850)

Damn that was a long set.  I did backstroke for all the 100's.  I was slowly dying during this set but kept on going.  2850 yard set!  OY!  (2850/4350)

100 easy (100/4450)

3x50's over unders.  (150/4600)

Total painful yardage tonight was 4600 yards.  OY!  I'm not use to swimming this hard.  I've been so hit and miss attending workouts that I'll be sore tomorrow!

Got My MoJoel Back


Warm Up

450 Mixed.

2xRounds - 75 Kick No Board / 50 Drill (One Arm / Turn on 3) / 75 Swim (I think) (400/850)

3x25's working on underwater pushoffs (75/925)

400 Pull 200 Breath Control 3/5/any/7 and 200 Distance Per Stroke (400/1325)

5x100's Pace on 1:15.  I went too fast on the first one and did a 1:10 but the rest were on 1:12's. (500/1925)

I may have gotten the order wrong since the pull was off the shallow end but the 100's were from the deep end.  But whatever...

During the pull I felt strong but was worried I was going to fast and would die for the rest of the workout.  So I pulled back during the 2nd 200 of it.  Then the 5x100's I was still feeling pretty strong.  We had two fast lanes and the person in the next lane is pretty fast so I just tried keeping pace with her.  She's very disciplined in working out so I knew that I was having a good workout swimming in lock and step with her.

Main Set:

10 Minute Fast Swim.

Now this I felt great in.  The only thing was that I couldn't see the clock so I didn't know my pace.  The coach before we set off told us if you swim with a 100 pace of 1:15 you'll do an 800 and then went down the pace ladder.  I only heard the 1:15 and thought I could do a 1:10.  Well at least in between 1:10 and 1:15.  But I couldn't see the clock.  So I just wanted to keep pace with the other lanes lane leader.  Normally in a set like this I'd keep track of my 100 pacing and if no one was next to me to keep pace with I'd play the "catch up" game.  See how many times I lap the person in my lane.  But today it was all about keeping pace with the other lane's leader.  Which I did.  It was back and forth the whole way.  She kept track of our swimming pace luckily as she could see the clock from her lane.  We ended up swimming an 850.  Well more like 845 yards.  We were at the flags coming into the wall when the coach whistled for 10 minutes.  (850/2775)

So we were holding about 1:10's.  Not too shabby.  Considering the last few weeks and months I've been swimming like crap and getting my ass kicked in the water.  So I felt great about that.

Warmed down a 150 after.  (150/2925)

Stroke Warm Up:

2 Rounds - 50 kick / 50 drill / 50 swim (300/3225)

Stroke Set:

3 Rounds  - 50 Free Easy on 50 and 4x25's Stroke on 30 (450/3675)  I did backstroke for my stroke today.

I finished up with just a 25 (25/3700)

Overall a good workout.  Gota love distance workouts!

IM Sprint-ish Workout

The best part of this morning's workout was having my own lane but on the flip side the worst part of this morning's workout was having my own lane.  The other fast lane went on a slower interval so I really didn't have anyone to push me.  So from time to time I'd slack off.  Other than that it was like the normal typical Friday night sprint workout just at 6am.

Warm Up


Warm Up Set:

2x200's IM Kick 15 secs rest

2x100's IM Drill 10 secs rest

2x100's Free Pull on 1:15 (it was on 1:30 but I took a pee break after the kick set so I was trying to catch up to the other lane.)

4x50's Free Swim on 45 (i forgot what the interval was but I decided to go on the faster interval to catch up.) (1000/1450)

Main Set:

3x100's Free on 1:20 (300/300)

3x50's Fly on 55 (150/450)

2x100's Free on 1:20 (200/650)

3x50's Back on 55 (150/800)

2x100's Free on 1:20 (200/1000)

2x50's Breast on 60 (100/1100)

2x100's Free on 1:20 (200/1300)

200 IM no interval (200/1500/2950)

I'm going off memory so I do believe it was only one set of 3x100's then down to only 2x100's each time. It's all a blur.

2x100's IM on 1:40 (i think 2 or was it 3? it's a blur)

4x50's Free on 45

there was more but we ran out of time.  (400/3350)  I then did a 150 pulling warmdown.  (150/3500)  If we had more time the set called for 2x100 reverse IM followed by 4x50's Free and then 2x100's relay order medly followed by 4x50's free.  I think that was it.

I should have pushed the intervals a bit much.  55 for a 50 stroke was giving me way too much rest and IM's on 1:40 was the same.  If I had someone in my lane maybe I would have been motivated to swim faster.  Still it was a good workout. Got some stroke down.  Fly felt a bit off but then again we didn't do much of it to work on it.


Middle Distance 4x400's Workout's like winter outside this morning.


450 Mixed Warm Up

2x200's (50 Kick / 50 Swordfish / 50 Drill (turn on 2 and fist) / 50 Swim

400 Pull. (1250)

Main Set:


1st 400 Continuous on 5:20

2nd 400 broken by 200 on 5:30 taking 10 seconds between the 2x200's

3rd 400 broken by 100 on 5:40 taking 5 seconds rest between the 4x100's

4th 400 Continuous No Interval but fastest

I descended my 400's coming in on 4:54, 4:46, 4:41 and 4:36.  I was afraid I had gone out to fast in the first 400 but felt good in the water.  The last 400 I had to push myself as I was getting tired.  I gotta admit this is my kind of set.  Middle distance sets let me just get in my pace mode and just go.  This was the best I felt in the water in some time.  (1600/2850)

50 easy (50/2900)

175 (75 kick / 50 drill / 50 swim) stroke.  I did backstroke (175/3075)

4x50's Back on 55

4x25's Free on 25

We were to do another round of this but I was beat and stopped.  (300/3375)

Swam a 25 easy and that was it.  (25/3400)