Warmer Weather, Cooler Pool Makes For A Good Swim

It's Friday!  I have the day off so it's workout day!  I worked till' midnight last night so another night of sleeping four hours before waking up to go swimming.  Actually since I overslept got in almost five hours!  Woah!  Plus I got in a 30 minute nap yesterday before work when I nodded off in front of my computer!  As I said I overslept this morning and woke up at 6:42am.  Swimming starts at 6:50 so by the time I got my stuff together and get to the pool it was 7:00am-ish.  Doh!  So I only got in a 100 yards warmup.

Just in time for the kick set...4x50's kick on 1:05 followed by 2x50's kick/swim (300/400)

6x125's IM on 2:20 (fly/fly/back/breast/free, fly/bakc/back/breast/free and fly/back/breast/breatst/free and repeat) (750/1150)

50 easy (50/1200)

then we did umm...4x50's Fast on 1:30 one of each stroke (200/1400)

then some 50's pull.  I think it was 4 and I forgot the interval (200/1600)

I then warmed down a 200 pull followed by a broken easy 200 (400/2000)

I think 2,000 yards is the workout.  I actually was going to do a free set after but was too lazy.  Once everyone gets out it's hard to motivate myself to swim more.  Although Sunday I will be swimming on my own since I'll be running in the morning so I'll miss the group swim.  I'm using Sunday as my long weekend run since I'll miss the Team In Training run due to the fact I have to work at 7am tomorrow and couldn't get anyone to switch with me.  F'in retards know I run on Saturdays and this is two weeks they have scheaduled me.  A pox on them!  Well besides work being shitty at least I'm swimming and running a little bit.  Really need to ramp up the training.  Disney is less then a month away and will be swimming a SCY meet in Feb.  So look forward to those two events!

Slippery When Iced - Workout

Not swimming for a week really sucks!  Some of it is my own fault but weather and work has also played into my not swimming.  Monday I worked at 7am and Tuesday at 6am.  Then yesterday it was record cold so I wasn't getting out of bed.  Plus the pool 5 minutes away was closed for repairs but it reopened today.  Even though I worked to midnight and only had about 4 hours sleep I was ready to swim today.  Well sorta ready but at least I wanted to swim.  When I got to the pool I undressed on deck down to my suit and ran as fast as I could into the pool.  Yikes!  The air is soooooooooo cold!  Love 40's I'd guess.  But wowser was the pool warm.  I was told the water was 86F which doesn't sound right.  I mean 86 is way too hot and it was too hot but 86F?  Hmmm.  Two other mates were there so I warmed up till they finished so I got in a 250 swim and a 50 pull.  We then did a 200 Kick.  So I got in a 500 for warm up.

Warm Up Set:

4x50's kick/swim on 60(200)

we rested 30 seconds

4x200's Free on 3:10 (800/1000)

6x100's on 1:35 (600/1600/2100)

My two 200's were okay as I was keeping a 1:14ish pace.  Then the 100's I tried to descend but the fourth one I did a 1:07 while the fifth and sixth were about 1:08's.  Not all that great but whatever.  I haven't been swimming so I'm glad that I am doing a 100 at all.  And add in 86F water then it's okay.

Then I did 4x50's drill/swim (200/2300)

we all chatted a bit.  seriously i could feel my hair almost freeze.  then I did a 200 warmdown (200/2500.)  Not a big workout but hey I had a week off.  I'm never going to get back in shape at this rate so I really need to work my ass off!  At least tomorrow I have been warned I have a good set to do.  Hmmm....sleep in?  Nah, I so can't.  Plus next week we'll have 20F morning temps.  Really, is that even possible?  I miss LA weather!  Hopefully next week my work scheadule will allow me to swim more. 

It's December Time, Let's Swim In Ice!

The weather twitter update says it is 61 F but there is no way it's 61 here.  To me it feels like 16 but I'm guessing maybe the 50's.  The dog woke me up so when we went outside it was raining.  Not Los Angeles rain but a cold cold rain.  Brrr...and to think today is a warm morning compared to what is forecast for tomorrow!  The weather folks keep saying morning highs in the 30's.   Luckily UPS is on it's way with my running tights.  I may go out today and buy running gloves.  Or maybe just sleep in and forget running to the temps rise again.  As for this morning getting into the pool was easy but getting out was another story.  Once the clouds started to drift away the temps seemed to plummet.  Brrr...I hate winter.

Warm Up

200 Swim

300 Pull

200 Kick (700)

Then we did 3x100's 25 right arm / 25 left arm / 25 kick / 25 swim.  I think we did 3 or was it 4?  Let's say 3.  (300/1000)

Then it was time for my set of 300's on 4:30.

3x300's on 4:30.  1st one pace of a 1:20 which I was right on, 2nd one pace of 1:15 which again I was right on and the 3rd one faster.  I did my 3rd one with a pace of 1:10.  I felt pretty good even with the temp of the water being a bit warm.  (900/1900)

50 easy (50/1950)

Then we did 4x75's IM on 1:30 (300/2250)

Then just a 50 easy (50/2300.)  So 2300 yards?  Don't think I missed anything.  Still it was a quality workout working on pace.  Oh and after the 75 IM's during that 50 easy I worked on my breaststroke pull.  Maybe the 400 IM dream is going to be reality in 2011.  Sometime this month I'll look at my 2010 goals and make some new ones for 2011.  One thing that will happen in 2011 will be a meet in Feb so I need to get in shape quick!

Rearview Mirror: My November Workouts

Well I didn't run tonight as I had planned.  My plan was to go out about now for a run but it's raining pretty hard out so guess I'm staying put for the night.  Enjoying a Kit Kat as I'm typing this instead. 

Looking back at October and all I can say is that I'm so off my trianing program.  So bad!  First the fact that I only ran 8 times is horrible.  Really am I that unmotivated to run?  Yes.  Grrr...but that is going to change in December.  I have a heavy running month on the way to running the Walt Disney World Marathon.  For the month I ran a total of 49.73 miles.  Down from October and September.  The opposite of the way it should be.  Of course I had just moved to Florida in September and running was my excuse just to get outside of these four walls.  Then in October I started to work.  No matter how unmottivated I am I know that I must run in December. Sad_november_runs November I ran 8 times for 49.73 miles. 

October I ran 10 times for 62.35 miles

September I ran 16 times for 105.21 miles

August I ran 3 times for 27.23 miles.

July I ran 15 times for 66.54 miles

June I ran 12 times for 15.92 miles

May I ran 1 times for 3.08 miles.

April I ran 16 times for 28.23 miles.

March I ran 18 times for 91.35 miles.

February I ran 18 times for 75.14 miles.

January I ran 24 times for 124.97 miles.

On the flip side I am swimming again!  Wahoo!  I started off with a few lap swims on my own till I found a few swim mates one of which is a swim coach.  So a few mornings a week I go over and swim for an hour.  I'm really focuses on my swimming and my speed is coming back.  But I'm not letting intervals and speed get to me yet as I am really working on the basics of my strokes and turns.  Oh and when I say strokes I mean the everything but breaststroke.  That is just a lost cause.  Since I only swim an hour in these workouts my yardage is down from the rest of the year.  But that is okay.  That is something I'll slowly add week by week.  For November I swam 34,375 yards.

Compared to other months...

October I swam 2,700 yards.

September I swam zip, nada, nothing

August I swam 25,000 SCY

July I swam 49,900 SCY

June I swam 43,650 SCY and 4,000 LCM

May I swam 55,000 SCY

April I swam 46,050 SCY

February I swam 53,250 SCY

January I swam 46,750 SCY

329,500 SCY's for 2010.

So that was November. I'm a little behind in yardage from 2009 which I swam over 344,000 yards.  Craziness!  Even with almost not swimming for two months!  I am so going to swim so much this month to crush 2009! 

I got some swimming and running to do in November.  Hopefully next month about this time when I'm writting My December Workouts I'll be bragging how well I've done in 2010. Spma1Since you've read this far now is the time that I ask you to support my run with Team In Training by clicking HERE and donate.  Thank You!

Last Chance Swim Workout

The last day of another month is here.  I just can't believe that tomorrow will be December 1st!  It feels like just yesterday I was baking my Gingerbread Swimmer Cookies but that was almost one full year ago.  This year I'm going to try and make a Gingerbread Swim Pool!  Stay tuned for that.

This morning I woke up before the alarm did which is a shocker.  I use to wake up every morning before the alarm but that hasn't happened in months.  I guess my body is getting use to my morning swimming and running again.  My plan for today was to do an early morning run but yesterday my plans for today changed so I decided to get in one last swim for November.  I figure I can squeeze in a run later today.  So I got up and met the gang for a quick swim.  Since everyone else is training or tapering for a meet the workout was quick and easy.

Warmed Up

200 Swim

300 Pull

3x100's Kick (800)

Then we did 4x50's.  First two were 25 kick / 25 swim. Second two were swim but pace.  I did these backtroke.  In fact I did the workout mostly backstroke. (200/1000)

3x100's Pace / Descend.  The point was to figure out how you wanted to swim your last 100 and the pace then add 10 seconds for the first one with the second one 5 seconds in between.  I failed at that.  I was like two 17's then a 14 or something like that.  A descend but not the way it was to be swum. (400/1400)

50 easy (50/1450)

2x50's.  First one getting some speed. Second one fast (100/1550)

Then we did 3x25's pull / kick /swim for 3 rounds.  I did them fly/back/free then a 25 easy (250/1700)

1700 yards for today.  Not too bad for a quick unplanned workout.

Monday Morning Pace Workout

For the first time in a very long time I woke up without to much complaining by my body and mind.  Even the weather seemed to line up to make this a good morning for a nice swim.  Of course once in the pool my body was aching but I was able to work out the kinks.

Warm Up

200 Swim

350 Pull

200 Kick (750)

Then we did 4x50's (25 drill / 25 swim)  Forgot interval but it was easy.  (200/950)

Main Set:

5x100's on 1:40 Pace.  By the 5th 100 I was to find what my 500 pace would be.  I was coming in on these at about a 1:17 with a few a bit faster.

rested 10 extra secs to square up the clock to the 30

500 Free Pace on 7:30.  My first 100 I was at about a 1:14 then the second 100 about a 1:16 then I tried to view the clock which was at an angle that was tough but it looked to me I was doing about 1:15's.  I ended up swimming the 500 in 6:16.  The coach told me my 250 split but I forgot it but he said I evenly split the 500.

5x100's Free descend starting at the 500 pace.  I think I started with a 1:14 then 1:09, 1:08 and then two 1:07's.  I know I finished with two 1:07's the rest is what my fuzzy memory is remembering so it might be questimates.  But I did descend except for the last 100 which I just maintained.  (1500/2450)

After that I did 8x50's easy.  First four were drill/swim on 1:05 and the second four were pulling breathing every 3 also on 1:05.  I was by myself just warming down on these.  (400/2850)

The workout was 2,850 yards which isn't a whole lot but it was one quality swim.  I like that set. 

Gobble Gobble Swim

Knowing that I was going to swim this morning I set my alarm but luckily or unluckily for me my recurring nightmare of being stalked by a serial killer shocked me into waking up before the alarm went off.  In my nightmare the serial killer posses some unearthly powers much like some of the characters on the show Heroes.  From what I remember and it is fuzzy but somehow the spirit of my serial killer takes the form of paper which I then tore up and had to toss in individual trash bags to keep the spirit of the killer from reconnecting.  But I was shocked awake when the killer was able to get back together and have me in his grip.  What I way to wake up!

With that said it was time to head to my Thanksgiving Day Morning Workout.  I concentrated my swims towards IM today.  I could of done a distance workout on my own but I enjoy swimming with others so I did the sprint workout.  I need to remind myself to ask the coach for the distance set to swim it on my own Saturday afternoon.  As for today I warmed up a 450. 

Then we did 6x50's.  The first three were all kick and the second three were 25 kick / 25 swim.  Or was it 8.  Hmm...well i mixed it up with stroke so let's say 3.  Don't think I'd do breaststroke if I didn't have to.  (300/750)

Hmm...we did some drills too.  More 50's  Let's say 4 since I know I all the strokes.  (200/950)

Okay then we did a 300 which I did IM.  It was to be swum with our pace for the upcomming 2x100's.  (300/1250)

6x50's on 1 Min. Pace.  I did them fly/back, back/breast and breast/free.  (300/1550)

Rest a bit

2x100's on 2 mins FAST.  I did them IM.  I did a 1:14 and a 1:15. (200/1750)

Then we rested some more.

6x25's alternating Kick / Swim Fast.  I did them all fly (150/(1900)

And that was it.  Everyone else will be swimming in a official practice in a bit so they were done.  I warmed down another 200 yards for a 2,100 workout.  Now time for some breakfast and then recover for a full day of eating!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday Morning Swim

Getting up to go swimming was a bit rough this morning.  Last night I worked to about midnight.  The crap job is taking it's toll as all the lifting of heavy shit and carry it down the ladders is wrecking my shoulder.  I wake up in the morning in pain.  Right now swimming is the only way my body can get the kinks out from work.  Luckily today they'll be none of that heavy lifting. 

Once up I was ready to go.  I got in the pool and swam a bit.  For the warm up I swam a 300 and pulled a 100.  Then we did a 200 kick.  So a 600 warm up.

Then we did 2x50's sprint kick (100/700)

Then we did some switch 50's.  4x50's Fly/Back, Back/Breast, Breast/Free, 50 Fly. (200/900)

4x125's.  IM Order. Stroke Drill / Free / Stroke / Free / Stroke (500/1400)

4x100's 25 Pull/25 Kick / 25 Swim rest then a 25 Fast (400/1800)

I think that was pretty much it.  I then did a 200 easy pull warm down for a workout of about 2,000 yards.  Don't think I forgot anything but may have.  My mind isn't a steal trap it's more of like the hole in the middle of every donut. 

The workout was easy but it's what my body needed.  Today I work an afternoon shift so I'll be able to rest later today.  Tomorrow I plan on running a good run then napping before my pre-thanksgiving day night shift.  Then swim Thursday morning.  Also on Thursday I'm going to watch the local senior team's turkey trot fun swim.  It's between my morning swim and my turkey dinner.  Figured I'd enjoy watching others have fun swimming. 

Quick Monday Morning Swim

This week I actually have work hours at my crap "for now" job that I'll be able to swim and run.  Wahoo!  Of course I have less hours which means I will be making less money.  Doh!  But I get to work out.  Wahoo!

After working to 10pm last night I came home and went right to bed so I could wake up and go swimming.  Luckily after hitting snooze a few dozen times the dog wanted to get up so I was forced out of bed.  Got to the pool and jumped in with my swim mates.  Since they are tappering I did the taper workout.  The coach had another workout for me if I wanted but it's Monday.  Got a long day ahead of me on top of yesterdays 13 mile run and work.

Warm Up...

200 Swim

200 Pull

50 Swim (450)

Then we regrouped and did a 200 kick. (650)

3x100's 25 Drill / 25 Swim / 25 Drill / 25 Sprint (300/950)  I think we did 3.

then we did some 50 sprints.  can't remember how many but let's say 4.   (200/1150)

then we did a sprint 100.  (100/1250)

Hmm...i know i only swam 50 minutes but I think we did a bit more then that.  Well whatever I'll log it as 1,250 SCY.  I have a full day of errands then working to midnight so an easy workout was just what my body needed.  Plus it was quality swims as I was working on my head position and turns.  Swimming with the coach while splitting the lane gave him plenty of time to see my horrible stroke and turns. 

Brrr & Ouchie Morning Swim

Brrr...it got cold again.  Too cold!  I didn't bundle up enough on the ride to the pool luckily it was only a short golf cart ride.   But long enough for my body to be cold to the bone on the way home.  I got up early this morning to swim with my new swim mates.  It's mostly some of the hard core members of the local masters team and the coach.  On different mornings different people show up and we do varioius sets.  It's like having our own personal coach.  So I've been working on a few things.  It's almost too much stuff sometimes for my little brain to comprehend at 7am but I will in time. 

Warmed Up

300 Swim / 200 Pull.  Then we all regrouped for a kick set.

8x50's 4- all kick / 4 - 25 kick / 25 Swim (400/900)

Hmm...trying to remember everything. 

2x200's (forgot interval) with the 2nd one faster.  I did a 2:29 and then a 2:19.  I was so sore and tired.  Just couldn't pull it together.  (400/1300)

5x75's+25's.  75 - 25 Pull / 25 Kick / 25 Swim then wait and do a 25 Fast of the stroke you just did.  I did them fly/back/fly/back/free (375/1675)

Then I worked on a few flip turns with the coach.  Still struggling with flip turns after all these years.  Grrr...someday I'll grasp the concept correctly.

Since a few of the swimmers had to go to work or are tappering for a meet of some sort I swam a set on my own that the coach gave me.

Pace Set - 1:30 Base







All fast with the second half faster then the first.  Since it was a 1:30 base the intervals were 1:30/3:00/4:30.  No rest between the 300's.  I started swimming on a 1:15 base so I swam a 1:15/2:30/3:45 with maybe a second faster.  I then speed up a second or two faster coming in at 3:43/2:18/1:13.  I was dying and my body was aching.  (1200/2875)

I then did 4x50's on 50 fast.  I was told to do about 32's on them but I got slower and slower on each one.  I was pooped!  (200/3075)  And that was it.  A good swim even if I was struggling!  Hopefully I can get another swim in this weekend.  The good news is that we are getting in the pool on Thanksgiving Day Morning.  I look forward to that.