August Rearview Mirror: Who Likes Wet People? A Month of Swimming & Sorta Running
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Well I'm a wet person considering I swam 42,900 yards in August. That seems pretty much what I've settled down to swim per month.
Past Months To Compare -
In July I swam 29,550 yards.
June I swam 42,000 yards
May I swam 47,950 yards.
April I swam 44,950 yards.
March I swam 62,125 yards.
February I swam 41,750 yards.
January I swam 42,300 yards.
In 2011 I've swum 300,525 yards.
I looked back at older posts and the high 40's is what I use to train at. Of course I was swimming at faster intervals. Hopefully as the water and air temps fall I'll start to amp up my intervals. Actually in today's workout I felt like my body was adapting and I was ready to go faster. I've had a few false starts like this in the past few months so hopefully I can keep at it. I'll find out in October at my next meet.
As for my running in August I gotta say is pretty bad. After having hip issues in June and July I really was hoping to get back into running. I even tried to motivate myself into running by making of goal of running 16 miles in August. Well I didn't make it to 16. Blech! For the month I ran 11.03 miles. I will admit to a dumb accident which left my ankle and foot injured for a week. But compared to a year ago I have no base to start training a half or full marathon.
With that said I won't run the Disney World Marathon in 2012 or the half. Thinking that I'll continue to run and at the end of September have a 1/2 or full marathon training program. Maybe to a spring 2012 event. My goal for September will be to run 16.5 miles. Yeah, not a big goal but hopefully doable.
Compare with
At least I'm running and swimming. That is something in itself.