Sunday Morning Easy 40 Minute Swim

10x50's 40/45/50/55/60
10x100's 1:20/1:30/1:40/1:50/2:00

Back in the pool.  I'm regretting taking over a Sunday work shift as now I gotta get up early on a Sunday morning and go swimming.  Not that I have a life outside of the gym and/or pool.  But still.  Oh well, September will be here and I'll be off on Sundays. 

Last night I went to bed early and got a good nights sleep in.  I was tired from my weight training earlier in the day.  Still it was a bit rough getting out of bed.  Before heading to the pool I jotted down a quick workout to swim.  Figured I needed to keep it under 45 minutes and if possible closer to 30 minutes.  That way I would have time to relax over breakfast after swimming before heading to work.

Mixed 500 (200 Swim / 100 Pull w/o Paddles / 100 Pull w/Paddles / 100 IM)

10x50's Pulling w/ Paddles Free - 2 on 60 / 2 on 55 / 2 on 50 / 2 on 45 / 2 on 40 (which was really just one off the clock on 40) (500/1000)

I had in my mind that I'd swim 10x100's like above but on 2/1:50/1:40/1:30/1:20.  But that got old quickly.  I ended up swimming -

6x100's Free on 2/1:50/1:40 (600/1600)
2x100's IM on 1:45 (200/1800)
4x50's Fast Freestyle on 45 (200/2000)

The workout was about 40 minutes long when I was done.  2,000 yards is better then not swimming.  Swimming alone is so not motivating. SundayMotivation is key for a lazy person like myself.  I need people to push me.  The last 18 months or so I've been swimming with a rag tag bunch of swimmers.  Not a team but just the coach from the senior citizen / retired folk team and a few of the swimmers who can't make that teams workout for one reason or another.  So usually I'm given a workout and I just do it.  Well since starting in July my work schedule will be changing I'll actually be able to swim with that team on a regular basis.  At least for July!  Who knows what will happen come August.  It'll be nice to have people 5 seconds behind me to push me.  Yeah, some of these swimmers are 20 years older but they are still damn fast.  Hopefully that'll be enough motivation to push me.

June Rearview Mirror In Swimming and Running

Well that is wrong since I didn't run at all this month.  I'm still recovering from some hip pain so a whole month without running.  Damn!  As for swimming I added it up and swam about 42,000 SCY for the month.  I'm saying about because that number sounds way made up.  I did add things up but it's me and well my math skills are lacking. Plus I could add in my LCM warm up and swim meet events.  But that really isn't training so that doesn't count.  It is what it is and it is 42,000 SCY.

Past Months To Compare -

May I swam 47,950 yards.

April I swam 44,950 yards.

March I swam 62,125 yards.

February I swam 41,750 yards.

January I swam 42,300 yards.

In 2011 I've swum 239,075 yards.

December I swam 22,050 yards.

November I swam 34,375 yards

October I swam 2,700 yards.

September I swam zip, nada, nothing

August I swam 25,000 SCY

July I swam 49,900 SCY

June I swam 43,650 SCY and 4,000 LCM

May I swam 55,000 SCY

April I swam 46,050 SCY

February I swam 53,250 SCY

January I swam 46,750 SCY

And so goes another month of swimming.


A Rare Sprinting Set For Me. - via @goswim

Since I'm stranded at the pool all by myself I decided I'd try a workout from Go Swim.  Well mostly since I noticed a new workout was posted in my RSS Feed.  After glancing at this weeks "Swimming Set Of The Week" I decided it wasn't for me.  Way too much kicking!  So I went back to May 6th to see a set for me.  Although anyone who knows me would know this is the type of set that isn't all about me.  It's a sprinters set. 

From Go Swim "Swimming Set of the Week - May 6, 2011.  Posted by Barbara Hummel on May 06, 2011.  Looking for speed but not necessarily all-out sprinting this week.    This set also exercises the can be challenging to figure out your sendoffs on the first part of the set.  Total Yards/Meters: 1500.

Swim five rounds (total of 20 X 50) with no break between rounds.  Choose one of the sendoff patterns.   To choose your pattern, look at the sendoffs for #4 and figure out which one you could make, getting 2 to 5 seconds rest."

Sounds easy enough, right?  Well first off I had to warm up so I did a freestyle warm up of 200 Swim / 200 Pull (no paddles) / 200 Pull (w/paddles) / 200 Kick (reverse im) so an 800 yard warm up.

Still pretty easy.  The pool was still warm but well below the 90's.  I can't believe I'm getting use to warm swim pool.  Curses!  For the 20x50's I had several interval options.  Five choices to be exact.  I decided to go with the 2nd fastest batch. 

4 X 50
#1 on :50
#2 on :45
#3 on :50
#4 on :40

Now I should have done the fastest batch but hell I can't push myself alone.  Then…

"After the 20 X 50, swim 100 easy recovery, then...

4 X 100 on 2:30 sendoff.  With a generous rest interval, your goal is to achieve fastest average speed.  You need to manage your energy so that you don't spend all of it on the first 100.  All four of  the 100s should be fast and fairly equal in pace."

Well I did the 100 easy recovery after a quick pee break.  As for the 100's I did okay.  My first one was the slowest one coming in at a 1:07 then I bounced to 1:04, 1:03 and 1:03.  Not great but not horrible.  I was still feeling yesterday's trip to the gym.  My shoulders and back are all ouchie!    Go Swim added one more thing at the end "For a special challenge, repeat the entire set :)"  Yeah right!  I gotta admit it was hard to self motivate myself to finish the 50's and then again the 100's.  I plan on attempting this set again but on the faster interval which was

4 X 50
#1 on :45
#2 on :40
#3 on :45
#4 on :35

Well that is about it.  Check out Glen and the folks at GoSwim at and on Twitter @goswim.




Making It Up As I Go Workout

Sunday is normally my double workout.  I swim on my own with a workout the coach gives me then I stay and swim with the rest of the group.  But since most of that group is out of town I just went and swam on my own.  The coach asked me if I needed any workouts to swim while he was away but I told him that I had enough workouts to do.  Which I do but once at the pool this morning I just made up the workout as I swam.

Warmed up a 200 swim then a 200 pull.  Mind you the first 200 was more like 4x50's since I stopped after every 50.  Then I did a 400 IM kick.  Followed by 300 IM Kick/Drill/Swim by 25.  (1,100)

Then I did 10x50's on 50 pulling w/ paddles alternate breathing by 50's every 3 and 5.  (500/1,600)

Then I modified the set from the other day...

3x50's on 50 Fly/Back, Back/Breast, Breast/Free

100 Free pull on 1:30


That wasn't so bad.  The last 50 into the 100 pull was close since I had to put on my pulling gear.  Which just made me work the last 50 a bit faster.  (500/2,100.)  And that was the end.  About 50 minutes in the pool for 2,100 yards.  Not great but not bad.  So not motivated on my own.  And today was a perfect day to push myself.  It had rained yesterday so the pool was about 5 degree's cooler at about 86F.  Which a few months ago I would have been dying. But after a few weeks of water temps in the 90's I thought the pool was nice today.  Also the outside temp is about 20 degrees color also. So I should have done longer swims today.  Oh well, hopefully I'll be motivated the rest of the week while I swim alone.

Shooting From The Hip

Over the last month I've been dealing with some hip issues.  I haven't been running since it hurts too much to run but I've been swimming.  Since I've been swimming I'm beginning to think that the hip issue has been created by something other then running.  It could all rest on the evil creature lurking in the pool.  That evil creature is kicking.  Well not just kicking but kicking with fins.  I've been slowly believing that the kicking with fins is to be blamed since I've never had this hip issue until I started kicking with fins.  I've run two marathons and two half marathons without having such pain then all of a sudden when I start using fins I get hip pain?  Hmmm!  Knowing me it's my own fault and I'm doing some horrible leg/hip movement in kicking that is just being exacerbated by the fins.  I'm a horrible kicker to begin with so the fins aren't helping me learn to kick but creating a whole new problem.  Another reason why I'm slowly thinking it's the fin's fault is that I don't have any hip pain when I wake up or swim but right after I kick with fins I feel some hip pain.  Mostly after freesyle or backstroke kicking.  So I'm going to lay off the fins for a few weeks.  And if you see a pair of fins for sale on this blog you'll know why.  Now as for today's workout...

Warm Up 500/200 Kick (700)

500 (Right Arm/Left Arm/Pull/Kick/Swim repeat 4 times) (500/1200)

Main Set

4 Rounds -

50 Fly/Free

50 Back/Free

50 Breast/Free

100 Free Pulling

The 50's were on 60 and the 100 on 1:30.  I took an extra 60 seconds between round two and three.  (1000/2200)

Then we chit chatted a bit and I did an easy 50 for 2,250 yards. 


91.7 was the temp at the pool today.  So the workout was a bit on the short and easy side.

Warmed up a 450.  Then we did 8x50's first 4 were kick then kick/drill.  I did these all butterfly, the 50's.  (850)

Three Rounds -

4x100's.  Round one was free on 1:40 pace.  Round two was pulling on 1:45.  Round three was choice on 2:00.  I pulled the last round.  The pace swimming round I was doing 1:15's the first pull set I was doing 1:10's and 1:11's.  The last round my goal was to be no slower then a 1:11 which I did.  (1200/2050)

That was it.  I swam sorta another 50 to make 2,100 yards.  I say a sorta swam as I swam a 25 to help take the lane lines out then sorta just barely swam back.

Poached In Leezbugz

It's unofficial but today I think I swam in the hottest pool evah.  It was brutal this morning.  But a swim is a swim and I'm just glad I'm swimming and have a place to swim in.  Today being Wednesday we headed down to Leesburg to swim at 5:30am.  Being by the lake and the only lights on in the area the place is a magnet for bugz.  Some of which I've never seen before.  I gotta admit some of them are a bit creepy.  It's better not to think about them when swimming.  Since the pool has the flags up I decided to make this a backstroke workout. 

The workout sent via email -

1x500 loosen

1x200 kick with fins

6x50 on 1:05 - kick/drill

2x200 on 3:20 - 2nd faster


2(3x100) - 1st set on 1:40, rest 1:00, then 2nd set on 2:00

4x50 kick with fins on 1:15

2(4x50) on 1:00 - 2nd set faster - rest 1:00 betwen sets


Actually what we swam was...

1x500 loosen

1x200 kick with fins (200/700)

6x50 on 1:05 - kick/drill backstroke (300/1000)

2x200 on 3:20 - 2nd faster backstroke (400/1400)


2(3x100) - 1st set on 1:40, rest 1:00, then 2nd set on 2:00 backstroke (600/2000)

4x50 kick without fins on 1:15 (200/2200)

2x50's butterfly (100/2300)

So 2,300 yards.  My backstroke was a bit of a mess.  My backstroke was never pretty but it's gotten really really ugly.  Since the pool we swim in almost never has flags up I've gotten the bad habit of looking all over the place.  I'm bouncing like a pinball down the lane.  I don't know how to break out of this habit but I got to.  Once again I'm glad to be swimming and just got get through this.





Blah! Swim. Blah! Swim. One of Those Mornings.

Another morning of swimming.  I really didn't want to get out of bed to go swimming this morning.  But knowing I can't swim tomorrow got me in gear.

Warm Up


3x100's Kick (700)

Then we did 4x150's Backstroke.  The 4th lap was kick.  I started swimming the first one not realizing that the flags were not up.  Doh!  That threw me off and I goofed off the rest of the first one.  I gotta admit I wasn't feeling it this morning and did my share of lane pulling in the backstroke.  (600/1300)

6x75's I think 6 on 1:20.  Pulling with paddles breathing 5/4/3 by 25. (450/1750)

16x25's IM Order on 40 (400/2150)

Then I did an easy 50 and got out for 2,200 yards.  I was going to do some pulling but was lazy.  At least I didn't stay in bed.


It's too darn hot.

According to the Kinsey report
ev'ry average man you know
much prefers to play his favorite sport
when the temperature is low
but when the thermometer goes way up
and the weather is sizzling hot
Mister Adam for his madam is not
cause it's too too
it's too darn hot, it's too darn hot
It's too too too too darn hot

When I woke up I debated internally if I wanted to go swimming or not.  Then once I decided it was a matter of when?  I lost the battle and got to the pool at 7:30 to start my first workout.

From the coach:

Be careful!  It's hot!

1x500 loosen

6x50 kick with fins on 1:10 - alternate fly, bk, fr

1x300 catch-up 50, build 50

4x175 - on 3:00 - breathe every 5 on the 1st 50, every 4 on the 2nd, every 3 on the 3rd, anyway on the last lap.


6x100 on 1:30 with paddles and pull buoy - descend

loaf around and try to cool down

swim with us

I lost track of what I was doing on one of the 175's.  I think I did a 225.  Oh well!  The workout itself wan't too bad.  I was a bit overheated so I got out and sat on deck in the shade.  Then got back in and fiddled around a bit for a 100 swim and then 3x50's kick.  We did some kicking.  Umm...what I don't know.  I think 4x50's on 1:10? Maybe not.  Then we did 4x125's - Drill/Kick/Swim/Drill on 2:30 then a 25 sprint on 45.  I mixed it up.  Fly, back, fly and free.  Umm...then 4x50's Sprint.  I pulled them.  Then I swam to the other end of the pool and practice 3 starts off the blocks.  I'm trying the track start on for size.  I figure I have a year to LCM Nats in Omaha to learn the track start. 


Fahrenheit 901

Well more like 90.1 Farenheit.  Not the air that was the pool water temp this morning.  Can you say "boiled alive!"  With that said I took my swim this morning nice and easy. Warm up was a bit broken up as a bunch of us showed up to swim this morning.  I swam a 300 then we regouped to circle swim then I did another 200.  Then a 200 kick. So 700 broken yard warm up.

Main Set:

2x300's on 4:30 Descend

Take some extra rest to cool off.

3x200's Pull on 3:00 Descend.

Rested a bit to cool off.

2x150's on 2:30 Backstroke (1500/2200)   It was supose to be 4x150's but the 8am Aqua "Swimmers" were arriving as was the staff to remove the lane lines.  Us real swimmers helped the staff with the lane lines while the noodlers pretended that they were warming up for the fake workout or Aqua "Swimming".   Death To Noodlers!