When The Wheels Fall Off The Bus or When I Swim Breaststroke.
Last night I went to bed early and without a drop of wine. I was just wiped out. So I was hoping to have a good morning swim today. But for whatever reason my body just couldn't wake up. It wasn't a struggle to swim but during some of the breaststroke swimming I felt like the wheels had fallen off the bus. My stroke was a mess and I was just sloppy at times.
Warm Up
Mixed 450 / 200 Kikc (650)
Tune Up
5x50's on 50
400 Pace
My 400 pace was about 16/17. I was aiming for 15's. Nothing too fast since I felt like I was still warming up. I just couldn't muster any speed out of my arms today. (650/1300)
IM Set
6 Rounds - 100 on 2 Minutes followed by a 25.
I did a modified IM - 25 fly/25 back/ 50 breast then 1 25 rotating fly/back/breast. By the time I was in my breast rounds of the 25's I was feeling the wheels fall off the bus. So my 3rd 100 I did it IM and the 6th I did 50 fly/ 25 back/ 25 breast. (750/2050)
Then I just warmed down an easy 150 to round up the yardage to 2,200 yards.
Yesterday I did get some good gym time in with the noon time Group Ride (Spinning) followed by a quick run outside, 18 minutes on the Precor Crossramp (while watching the end of Days of Our Lives) then finished up with 30 minutes in another Group Ride class with my boss.
As for the run it really wasn't much. I wasn't feeling like going running so I had to force myself. I went into an area I hadn't been before. I really should map these out before I go outside running.
I'm trying out a few alternate routes around the gym that have less traffic as the snowbirds return in mass in about a week. For the next month or two the population explodes around here and it has been already ramping up. My last time running I had to dodge a bit of traffic and it was frustrating. So I need to find the less busier and wider streets to go running.
Today I'll be taking Group Power at noon. Other then that it's all up in the air. Tomorrow I'll be skipping swimming as I have an early morning at work. But I'll get in a Group Ride tomorrow.