Attack Of The Pink Shark! One More Tall Tale From The Pool.

It wasn't much of an attack but I did get to be a pink shark this morning during my lap swim.  During my slow warm up set I used the Finis Swimmer's Snorkel ( which just happens to be pink.  I was told I looked like a pink shark swimming in the pool.  I used the warm up just to get use to 18902-2Tusing the snorkel which isn't as easy as I had thought.  It took a few laps to get use to the fit and breathing with it.  A few times I got some water in it. 

Warm Up:

200 Swim really broken down by 25's playing with the snorkel.  Nice and easy.  Well slow as that was the only thing I could muster.

6x50's on 60 Pulling with all the toys.  I had to do open turns since I was afraid to do flip turns with the snorkel.  (300/500) 

1    :41.7     50     1:23
2    :43.5     50     1:27
3    :43.9     50     1:28
4    :43.9     50     1:28
5    :45.4     50     1:31
6    :46.6     50     1:33

Main Set:

2x50's on 50

100 on 1:40

4x50's on 50

200 on 3:20

6x50's on 50

300 on (something 30 I'll hafta go get the workout out of my bag) Looking at my time I think it was a 4:30 interval.

4x50's on 45

200 on 3:00

2x50's on 45


The second half was to be faster then the first half.  Yeah, right!  (1800/2300)

1    :39.2     50     1:18
2    :39.7     50     1:20
3    1:21.1     100     1:21
4    :39.2     50     1:18
5    :38.6     50     1:17
6    :39.4     50     1:19
7    :39.6     50     1:19
8    2:43.9     200     1:22
9    :39.7     50     1:19
10    :39.4     50     1:19
11    :39.1     50     1:18
12    :39.1     50     1:18
13    :40.6     50     1:21
14    :46.9     50     1:34
15    4:03.6     300     1:21
16    :38.7     50     1:17
17    :38.3     50     1:17
18    :38.7     50     1:17
19    :38.9     50     1:18
20    2:39.9     200     1:20
21    :38.6     50     1:17
22    :39.6     50     1:19
23    1:20.3     100     1:20

Then I did a 200 easy kick.  (200/2500)  I went to a kick set to take off my goggles as I was feeling a really killer headache.  I don't know if it was from the snorkel earlier or just not feeling great.  I don't get headaches that often so when I do it's pretty bad.  So I called it a day.  I really wanted to swim 3,000 yards today but alas 2,500 was all I got in.

Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    12.10 miles (=21,300 yards, =19,477 meters)
Total    41.93 miles (=73,800 yards, =67,483 meters)

And with that another month goes by.  21,300 yards for the month.  I'm slowly getting back to swimming.  It's going to be tough swimming more then that in July but I'm going to try to aim for at least 15K yards.  I got my sister and her kids visiting then I have a crazy week of spinning classes.  And that's all in the first two weeks of the month.  Who knows what will happen after that.  One thing that I do know is that I have Sunday's off so in two weeks (after my sis leaves) I can swim a very long Sunday swim even if it's all garbage yardage. 

Can I Have Some Legs With That Kick Set Workout

Since this was almost a day off from work I decided to hit the pool for a second workout.  This time for some kicking.  I only had to teach a 30 minute spin class at 11am so after lunch and some tv time I Canihavelegswiththatheaded to the pool.  I knew the water and the air temp would be horrible so I decided to swim or kick my workout.

Just to get a feel for the water I warmed up a 200 swim. 

Then a 600 kick w/ board & fins (200 free/200 back / 200 free) (200/800)

200 fly on back w/fins (200/1000)

I think next was 200 breaststroke but maybe not.  I know I did one. (200/1200)

Then a 100 something.  I think it was fly.  It's all a blur. (100/1300)

6x50's pulling w/ paddles on 55 breathing every 3.  Just to break it up a bit. (300/1600)

1    :38.6     50     1:17
2    :37.7     50     1:16
3    :37.1     50     1:14
4    :36.3     50     1:13
5    :38.1     50     1:16
6    :39.6     50     1:19

2x100's kick no fins.  one free and one fly.  (200/1800)

150 kick no fins fly/back/breast/breast/back/free) (150/1950)

I know why not another 50 to round it up?  But I forgot the watch was off by a 50 earlier on so it was saying 2,000 yards, doh!  Oh well. 

Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    10.68 miles (=18,800 yards, =17,191 meters)
Total    40.51 miles (=71,300 yards, =65,197 meters)

And witht that I can say "Mission Accomplished!"  I was aiming for 10 miles for the month and I got it.  It's nothing compared to what I use to swim but I'm rebuilding so every little step is a good step.  I just got to keep this up and not slide into laziness again. 

How Joel Lost His Swim Groove Back

90 minutes in the water is like a new record for me.  Well at least over the last few months of my

quick easy swims.  I felt great even if the water was 88F.  Did some stretched out swims or garbage yardage.  Since I didn't have to work this morning I got to the pool swam with another swimmer for a quick main set then stayed and did some fun yardage on my own.

Wed_swimWarm Up
500 mixed with some swimming and pulling.
150 Drill/Swim
150 Kick

1st Main Set:
8x100's on 1:40.  I had to do a 25 of stroke in each one.  2 fly/2back/2breast and 2 choice which I did backstroke.
1    1:20.8     100     1:21
2    1:23.0     100     1:23
3    1:21.8     100     1:22
4    1:20.0     100     1:20
5    1:25.4     100     1:25
6    1:19.7     100     1:20
7    1:18.8     100     1:19
8    1:13.0     100     1:13

I was trying to descend them and not fall apart.  I actually was feeling okay the longer I swam.  Worked out the kinks and pains.  (800/1600)

Then I did a 200 kick to cool off a bit. (200/1800)

10x50's Pulling w/Paddles breathing every 3 on 55  (500/2300)
1    :40.6     50     1:21
2    :42.3     50     1:25
3    :44.8     50     1:30
4    :42.6     50     1:25
5    :43.1     50     1:26
6    :43.7     50     1:27
7    :43.0     50     1:26
8    :42.9     50     1:26
9    :42.8     50     1:26
10    :42.8     50     1:26

100 easy kick. (100/2400)

10x50's Pulling w/Paddles breathing every 3 on 60 (500/2800)
1    :42.0     50     1:24
2    :41.4     50     1:23
3    :41.6     50     1:23
4    :40.8     50     1:22
5    :40.4     50     1:21
6    :42.1     50     1:24
7    :42.5     50     1:25
8    :42.1     50     1:24
9    :42.8     50     1:26
10    :44.4     50     1:29

100 easy kick (100/2900)

500 Swim.  Easy 75 then fast 25.  Damn it.  My Garmin Swim doesn't show this part.  I know I did it.  I was dying.  I guess I hit the wrong button and didn't save it.  F!  (500/3400)  The whole point of 10x50's, 10x50's and a 500 was to see if I could hold a pace for the 1,500.  Looking at those 50's I can say I can't.  I just wish I had that 500 to look at.  Oh well I can do this set again on Sunday.

So 3,400 yard workout.  The longest swim in ages and it felt good.  The water was hot but I felt okay.  Yeah, tired and sore but okay.

Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    9.57 miles (=16,850 yards, =15,408 meters)
Total    39.40 miles (=69,350 yards, =63,414 meters)

Today's swim got me closer to my goal of swimming 10 miles this month.  Which isn't a lot but compared to my swims this year it's a good milestone to reach.  I pretty much have the day off so I'm so tempted to hit the pool at the next lap swim time.  I know I can't swim tomorrow.  Oh well we will see. 

Quick Lunchtime Swim

Trying to get in swimming is getting tough with summer aqua things going on at the pool which cuts out lap swim time.  But I'm squeezing in 30 minutes here and there in between work.  Today was a quick 30 minute workout.  I had a set planned but chatting got in the way so I made the workout up Arenaas I swam.

Warm Up (if you can call it that)

200 Swim / 100 Kick (300)

6x25's Backstroke on 30 (150/450)

The 25's were part of a backstroke set I was going to do.  Mostly want to swim backstroke so I can get some sun on me!  It was 6x25's, 3x50's, 2x75's, 1x150 then back down.  But I chatted too much so went on to this...

4 Rounds:

100 Free on 1:45 (it was to be 1:30 but I was a chatty kathy today)

25 back on 30

1    1:17.4     100     1:17
2    :22.5     25     1:30
3    1:13.3     100     1:13
4    :21.3     25     1:25
5    1:14.2     100     1:14
6    :21.4     25     1:26
7    1:11.6     100     1:12
8    :24.7     25     1:39

Then I did a 50 easy.  So that was 1,000 yards.  Not much of a swim.  More of a warm up but it was a swim.

Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    7.64 miles (=13,450 yards, =12,299 meters)
Total    37.47 miles (=65,950 yards, =60,305 meters)

And with that short little swim on top of all my other baby swims I've broken my YTD Yardage record for a month.  Still got a bit to go to really get to my goal for the month.  I'm going to really get in a few more short swims this month.  Going to try for 2 tomorrow!

It's All About The Stripes!

Never mind garbage yardage this morning's swim was just garbage.  It shouldn't have been as it rained Sauna_poollast night so the pool was a bit cooler.  Still too warm but I should have felt better in the pool.    I kept hoping that my body and my mind would connect at some point during the workout but that never happened.  I pretty much just swam to swam and did some butterfly so the workout wasn't a complete waste of time.   Even with several workouts printed and ready to swim I just made this up as I went along. 

Warm Up:

400 Mixed

200 Kick (600)

6x50's Pullling w/ paddles Breathing every 3 on 55 (300/900)

1    :41.6     50     1:23
2    :41.8     50     1:24
3    :41.3     50     1:23
4    :42.0     50     1:24
5    :40.4     50     1:21
6    :41.1     50     1:22

Hmmm...then 2x50's something according to the Garmin Swim.  Just don't remember what it was. (100/1000)

8x50's on 1:05.  4 - Fly/Free 4- Back/Free by 25 (400/1400)

1    :40.6     50     1:20
2    :39.6     25     2:39
3    :39.4     50     1:19
4    :38.4     50     1:17
5    :42.7     50     1:26
6    :42.4     50     1:25
7    :42.6     50     1:25
8    :41.8     50     1:24

8x25's on 30 2 of each stroke (200/1600)

1    :18.1     25     1:11
2    :17.7     25     1:11
3    :21.5     25     1:27
4    :22.0     25     1:28
5    :24.0     25     1:36
6    :24.5     25     1:38
7    :19.8     25     1:19
8    :20.7     25     1:23

150 75 butterfly on back 75 backstroke w/ fins (150/1750)

100 fly (100/1850)

Then warmed down a 150 to get to 2,000 yards in about 50 minutes or so.  Gotta work today so couldn't stay and swim more.  Hopefully next week I'll be able to swim on my own then with a small group.  That way I can get more yards in. 

I did wear my new stripped suit today and had lot's of compliments from the other lap swimmers and pool walkers.  Splish_stripeYou definatly can see me swimming in this suit!

If only I had swam another 50 or so this morning...

Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    7.07 miles (=12,450 yards, =11,384 meters)
Total    36.90 miles (=64,950 yards, =59,390 meters)

I'm going to make a goal of 10 miles this month.  I think I should be able to do that.  Even though my workout week might be a bit hectic I'm going to shoot to get to the pool most days even if it's only for a 1,000 yard splash.  I know in a few weeks I have one week that I can't imagine myself swimming more then once. 

First Official Swim Of Summer!

It wasn't much of a swim but it was a swim.  The pool was damn too hot.  Once in the pool I decided it was going to be easy and short.  Mostly 25's it was.  Sooo_hotWarm Up
200 Swim
200 Kick w/fins.  100 free / 100 fly on back (400)

Then 20x25's Free on 30 Pulling breathing every 3.
1    :16.4     25     1:05
2    :17.5     25     1:10
3    :16.8     25     1:07
4    :17.2     25     1:09
5    :16.5     25     1:06
6    :16.6     25     1:07
7    :16.4     25     1:06
8    :17.1     25     1:09
9    :16.7     25     1:07
10    :17.0     25     1:08
11    :17.0     25     1:08
12    :17.0     25     1:08
13    :16.6     25     1:07
14    :17.4     25     1:10
15    :16.6     25     1:07
16    :17.8     25     1:11
17    :16.8     25     1:07
18    :16.9     25     1:07
19    :16.6     25     1:06
20    :17.0     25     1:08
It was damn hot!  I was beat red when done.  I got out of the pool to get my drink and cool off.  (500/900)

3 Rounds of 4x25's on 30 IM order.  Took 30 seconds extra rest in between rounds. (300/1200)

It was getting really dark outside.  Thunder clouds.  No thunder but I decided to get out.  As I was driving home the rain started and then the thunder.  Got out just in time.  1,200 yards in 30 minutes.

Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    5.94 miles (=10,450 yards, =9,555 meters)
Total    35.77 miles (=62,950 yards, =57,561 meters)

Hopefully over the weekend I'll break my yardage/mile record for the year.  It ain't much these days but I find these small milestones are making me feel better about my swimming.  It may not be fast and my technique has suffered but just trying to keep some what of a base.  Then when I get serious again it won't be so horrible and that hopefully will be soon enough.

Introducing The All New Garmin Swim Tardis Watch

I'm on a roll!  Two days in a row at the pool.  After teaching the 6:30am Spin class I headed to the pool to do a quick workout.  The pool is open to 8:50 so I figured I had 50 minutes to swim.  I really stopped at 8:45 since everyone was getting in the pool for the water class which starts at 9.  Oh Garmin_failwell.  I got a workout in. 

Warmed up a mixed 500 yards.  Oddly my Garmin Swim had me at 425 at the 400 mark then after swimming 500 yards had me at 400 yards.  It was like I had a time machine on my wrist.  I was pulling and I do realize that this happens from time to time when pulling.  Never a 100 but usually off by a 25 or so.  Oh well.

6x50 kick with fins on 1:05.  Doing a kick set after spinning class is never a fun thing to do.  (300/800)

Then I started my main set which I had to stop about 1/2 way.

2x50 1x100 - 50s on :50 - 100 on 1:40 (200)

4x50 1x200 - 50s on :50 - 200 on 3:20 (400/600)

6x50 (300/900)

I messed up since these 50's was to be on 45 and I did them on 50.  Here is what I didn't finish:

1x300 - 50s on :45 - 300 on 4:30

4x50 1x200 - 50s on :45 - 200 on 3:00

2x50 1x100 - 50s on :45 - 100 on nothing

Swim faster coming down.  Use the 50s for pace and swim well on the longer swims.

So a 1,700 yard workout.  This workout was from a little over a year ago.  I should have been a bit faster in what I swam.  My splits were horrible.  I just couldn't get myself going.  But at least I swam something I guess. 

1    :40.6     50     1:21
2    :41.0     50     1:22
3    1:22.4     100     1:22
4    :40.1     50     1:20
5    :40.7     50     1:21
6    :40.9     50     1:22
7    :41.1     50     1:22
8    2:45.8     200     1:23
9    :41.1     50     1:22
10    :41.0     50     1:22
11    :40.2     50     1:20
12    :41.0     50     1:22
13    :41.3     50     1:23
14    :40.8     50     1:22
Summary    14:52.8    900    1:22


Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    5.26 miles (=9,250 yards, =8,458 meters)
Total    35.09 miles (=61,750 yards, =56,464 meters)

June is looking like the month I get back on the ball!  Knock on a lane line!

How To Boil A Human & More Swimmer Recipes

Wowsers! The pool water was 90F/32C!  Not really hot enough to cook a swimmer but hot enough not to want to swim.  I didn't have much time to swim anyways.  Lap swimming on Tuesday's is a bit limited and I need to get back to work.  So I just go for 30 minutes.  A little less with some talking to other swimmers.  The team that I was swimming with is finishing when I'm starting so I chatted a bit. 

Did a mixed 250 of some swimming and pulling. 

6x50's Pulling w/ Paddles breathing every 3 going down and every 4 coming back.  I did them on 60. (300/550)

2x100's IM on 1:45 (200/750)

8x25's Kick on 30 (200/950)

4x50's Pulling w/ Paddles on 55. (200/1150)

That was it!  Time for work.  I figure 1,150 yards isn't much but it is something.

My Progress for Go The Distance 2013
Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    4.29 miles (=7,550 yards, =6,904 meters)
Total    34.12 miles (=60,050 yards, =54,910 meters)

I'm really determined to swim at least 7.25 miles for the month.  Even if I swim a few 1,000 yards quick swims like today.  I can easily fit it in.  In fact I'm going to swim tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday for sure and maybe more!  I hope.

The 45 Minute Swimmer Buffet Workout

Withmost buffet menus you get a little bit of everything and everything is just luke warm and that is how I would describe my workout this morning.  Before swimming I looked at a few workouts but left Buffet_menuwithout knowing what workout I was going to swim.  Once in the water I realized that with the warm water I'd be swimming an easy workout.  So easy it was with a little bit of everything. 

Just a 500 mixed swimming and pulling.  Nice an easy.
1    1:45.3     100     1:45
2    1:32.1     100     1:32
3    1:37.3     100     1:37
4    1:33.4     100     1:33
5    1:32.3     100     1:32

THen 10x50's Kick on 1:05 (500/1000)

10x50's Pulling (5 w/ paddles and 5 w/o paddles) (500/1500)
1    :41.1     50     1:21
2    :42.0     50     1:24
3    :41.1     50     1:22
4    :40.6     50     1:21
5    :40.5     50     1:21
6    :41.4     50     1:23
7    :41.5     50     1:23
8    :42.0     50     1:24
9    :42.0     50     1:24
10    :42.6     50     1:25

4x25's fly kick (100/1600)
3x50's Switches (150/1750)
50 Fly
2x25's Free
2x50's Fly (200/1950)

So 1,950 yards in 45 minutes.  Not much swimming really.  Not much effort in that swimming.  Oh well.  Next week and from them on I will sleeping in a bit and swimming later with the other swimmers.  No more working on Sunday's.  Hopefully swimming with the other swimmers will keep me motivated and pushing myself.  As for any weekday swims that will be up in the air this week.  I'm going to try and make at least one on my own.  But we shall see.

My Progress for Go The Distance 2013
Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    3.64 miles (=6,400 yards, =5,852 meters)
Total    33.47 miles (=58,900 yards, =53,858 meters)

The "I'm On A Taper To The End Of Time" Swim Workout

When I think of my swimming "workout" this morning I'm reminded of those type of folks who drive 20 minutes to the gym only to spend 10 minutes walking on the treadmill and then leaving.  After teaching what will be my last weight training class at 5:45 (I've been filling in for someone who should be coming back) I headed right to the pool.  After an hour of weight training I'm a bit beat up so swimming at all is a challenge.

At the pool I jumped in an empty lane then swam a 50.  With the Pan Am Masters wrapping up a few people were not at the pool.  I noticed the coach was swimming and seemed to be starting a set so I swam with him.  We did 4x50's on 60.

1    :54.6     50     1:49
2    :42.8     50     1:26
3    :42.7     50     1:26
4    :40.6     50     1:21
5    :40.5     50     1:21

Then I could tell he was done.  It was 7:15 and they had been in the water for about 40-45 mintues I guess.  I went into my bag to find a workout.  Not liking any of them I made one up on my own in my mind which I modified a few times to suit my torn down tired body. (250)

I had planned on doing: Three Rounds: 2x100's Pull followed by 50 back easy.  1st Round on 1:30, 2nd Round on 1:25 and 3rd Round on 1:20.  I stopped after the 2nd to chit chat and moved on to something else. (500/750)  I pulled the 100's free with paddles.

1    1:20.9     100     1:21
2    1:19.3     100     1:19
3    :46.0     50     1:32
4    1:14.3     100     1:14
5    1:14.9     100     1:15
6    :46.6     50     1:33

After my chit chat I kicked a 100.  (100/850)

My next grand plan was to swim 4x100's on descending interval 1:30/1:25/1:20/1:15.  Once again I stopped after the 2nd one and finished (200/1050)

1    1:19.0     100     1:19
2    1:20.6     100     1:21

Oh well at least I swam.  Less then 30 minutes really.  That's why I feel like those folks who drive 20 minutes to the gym only to walk for 10 minutes on the treadmill.  Oy!  Looking at the bright side...

Month    Total Distance
Jan    6.96 miles (=12,250 yards, =11,201 meters)
Feb    6.25 miles (=11,000 yards, =10,058 meters)
Mar    2.50 miles (=4,400 yards, =4,023 meters)
Apr    7.02 miles (=12,350 yards, =11,293 meters)
May    7.10 miles (=12,500 yards, =11,430 meters)
Jun    2.53 miles (=4,450 yards, =4,069 meters)
Total    32.36 miles (=56,950 yards, =52,075 meters)

Hey at least I'm ahead of March already!