Don't Call It A Swimback Swim Workout

Typepad was down most of the day but it seems to be back.  So here is today's swim...

Garbage Yardage or Building It Up?  Either way today's swim was all about getting to some distance swim in.  I haven't swam at all this week and I had my family in town so instead of lap swimming I was at the pool with the kids playing around.  So today it was crunch time.  I am sort of deciding on swimming my first USMS Meet in 2 years so I really got to get going.  This swim meet will be LCM and I was hoping had the 1,500 but now I'm looking at the entry form and the longest distance is 400 LCM.  Oh well, I swam a 1650 SCY for nothing.  Well not for nothing.  

Warm Up
400 Swim
500 Kick

10157192_10152188759309737_9054488507813942612_nYeah, a 500 kick.  I was just stretching out the warm up.

I then pulled a 1650 with paddles.  

Distance:     1,650 yd
Pool Length:     25 yd
Time:     23:06
Avg Pace:     1:24 min/100 yd
Calories:     330 C
Avg Efficiency :     32
Avg SWOLF :     29

1    2:57.0     200     1:28
2    2:48.5     200     1:24
3    :00.6     0     --:--
4    :00.6     0     --:--
5    2:51.3     200     1:26
6    2:44.7     200     1:22
7    2:46.2     200     1:23
8    2:41.8     200     1:21
9    :37.2     50     1:15

At the flip turns of each 200 I paused my watch quickly and restart it to get my pacing.  Something went wrong and missed two of them.  I know I wasn't trying to go fast or anything but that time is so so bad.  Now I'm glad there is no 1500 LCM at the meet.  Maybe I'll just swim the 400 IM and 400 Free.  Oy!

So 2,550 yards this morning.  Garbage Yardage I guess.  I really need to get my swimming together in the next 4 weeks before the meet.  Once a week swimming isn't going to do it.

My Progress for Go The Distance 2014
Month    Total Distance
Jan    2.76 miles (=4,850 yards, =4,435 meters)
Feb    4.15 miles (=7,300 yards, =6,675 meters)
Mar    5.82 miles (=10,250 yards, =9,373 meters)
Apr    4.01 miles (=7,050 yards, =6,447 meters)
Total    16.73 miles (=29,450 yards, =26,929 meters)

I really got to get swimming this month and next! 

Quick Mid-Distance Lunchtime Swim Workout

Afternoon lap swim on Tuesday and Thursday is very limited so I headed to the 12-12:50pm lap swim.  I forgot to pack a few things so had to swing home so I got in about 30 minutes in the pool.  Yeah I could have swam for another 5 minutes but that gave me more time to eat and post the workout.

Warm Up:

400 Easy Swim Free

300 Easy Kick Free w/ Fins

Main Set:

5x200's Free Pulling w/ Paddles on 3 Minutes.  Yeah, that is really slow.  But these days that is a good interval for me. 

1    2:47.1     200     1:23
2    2:46.5     200     1:23
3    2:39.0     200     1:20
4    2:37.0     200     1:18
5    2:35.6     200     1:18

I wasnt' trying to kill myself.  In fact I had been thinking of swimming a 1,000 straight but decided I wanted the rest.  I figured any swim is better then no swim.  That and hey I taught 2 spin classes this morning and got another tonight.  Gotta let my body get some easy time.

My Progress for Go The Distance 2014
Month    Total Distance
Jan    2.76 miles (=4,850 yards, =4,435 meters)
Feb    4.15 miles (=7,300 yards, =6,675 meters)
Mar    5.82 miles (=10,250 yards, =9,373 meters)
Total    12.73 miles (=22,400 yards, =20,483 meters)

Those numbers tell a tale of someone not swimming.  Hopefully I'll get another swim before the end of the month.  But who knows. 

Getting My Sorry Little Swim On Workout

3 Swims in 1 week, I'm on a roll.  Not a good one but a roll just the same.  I sort of was guilted into swimming this morning as I ran into Gary the "Coach" at the mail station yesterday.  That and last night I was super tired and went to bed early.  So I did set my alarm for 6am.  No one really was at the Saturday_swimpool the local Senior Games are in two weeks so everyone I guess is tapering.  The "Coach" was taking it easy just swimming laps but he gave me a set to do.  Ummm...I sort of modified it.  That and since I wasn't given intervals I gave myself slower intervals then I should be swimming at. 

Warm Up:

300 Swim or maybe a 250.  I was having counting issues and I messed up using my watch during the warmup.  It was too dark outside to see what I was doing. 

300 Pull w/ Paddles

200 Kick.

So let's call it an 800 yard warm up. 

Main Set:

3 Rounds (But I only did 2 Rounds)

200 Swim Backstroke on 3:30 Pace

200 Free Easy but Build last 50 on 3:15

4x50's FAST on 60

Ugh...I'm so outta swim shape.  That was enough for me.  So 1,200 yard set. 

1    3:06.2     200     1:33
2    2:48.3     200     1:24
3    :34.5     50     1:09
4    :35.2     50     1:10
5    :36.0     50     1:12
6    :36.4     50     1:13
7    3:00.6     200     1:30
8    2:42.9     200     1:21
9    :36.6     50     1:13
10    :36.2     50     1:13
11    :36.3     50     1:13
12    :35.8     50     1:12

My first 200 backstroke was super slow and stopped at the 100 mark cuz' I had lost count.  Looked at my Garmin Swim to see where I was.  All my times are super slow these days even when I try.  But at least I'm swimming.  Plus I was on my own so I don't push as hard.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll get up and swim with the gang.  I'm sure that'll push me.  If I can wake up at 6am on a Sunday. 

Total yards of 2,000 isn't much but it's more then I do on my own.  Ugh!

My Progress for Go The Distance 2014
Month    Total Distance
Jan    2.76 miles (=4,850 yards, =4,435 meters)
Feb    4.15 miles (=7,300 yards, =6,675 meters)
Mar    4.86 miles (=8,550 yards, =7,818 meters)
Total    11.76 miles (=20,700 yards, =18,928 meters)

The GOOD News / BAD News, well the good is that I'm on a roll and beat pathetic past months in yardage.  The bad news is that I've yet to break 10,000 yards for the month.  I remember when I was swimming 30,000 a month.  My combined three month total is less then one old month of swimming.  I really gotta make sure I go to bed early tonight and get up tomorrow.  I'd like to swim at a small swim meet this summer but not unless I can get my act together.

20 Minute Lunch Break Swim Set

My body is beat, my mind is tired but yet I had to swim.  Just to get out of my daily grind.  Don't get me wrong I love being a Personal Trainer and Group X Instructor but I do miss that feeling of being alone in my workout in the pool.  So when I had some free time this afternoon I headed to the pool.  Mind you I only swam for like 20 minutes.  But it was a quick mental health vacation that I needed.

Warm Up

200 Swim

200 Kick

The Only Real Set:

8x100's Pulling on 1:30

1    1:14.0     100     1:14
2    1:14.9     100     1:15
3    1:14.9     100     1:15
4    1:15.4     100     1:15
5    1:12.1     100     1:12
6    1:12.4     100     1:12
7    1:11.5     100     1:12
8    1:13.6     100     1:14

Not the best of times but hey, I swam something. 

My Progress for Go The Distance 2014
Month    Total Distance
Jan    2.76 miles (=4,850 yards, =4,435 meters)
Feb    4.15 miles (=7,300 yards, =6,675 meters)
Mar    3.72 miles (=6,550 yards, =5,989 meters)
Total    10.63 miles (=18,700 yards, =17,099 meters)

Well at least I'm ahead of Jan!  Which isn't much but hey.  The pool near work will reopen next Wednesday so hopefully I'll get in some quick 20 - 30 minute swims from time to time.  Normally that pool has activities almost all day but might be able to squeeze in a few swims.  Some day's I pretty much stay at the gym all day with breaks in between I just read or chill so maybe a quick swim will be great for my mental and physical health.

Can I Even Call Myself A Swimmer Anymore? Workout

Slept in, yet again!  Well this has been a long week at work so I needed a few extra hours sleep.  This past week I did get new Splish bathing suits and some new goggles.  I ordered Barracuda HydroBat 17184-27302-TRacing Goggles which are my favorite brand from   I don't know why I like them over other goggles but I just feel comfortable with them while swimming.  I actually ordered a Clear Pair and Mirrored Pair (they called them Teal or Silver.)  So wanting to try out my new stuff I headed to the pool alone today.  No workout in mind just a quick swim before lunch.

Slowly Warm Up:

200 Swim

200 Kick

Then 6x50's Pulling on 60.  I used the Sporti paddles since I forgot to get new straps for the other paddles.  Ugh! 

1    :39.8     50     1:20
2    :39.0     50     1:18
3    :39.5     50     1:19
4    :40.6     50     1:21
5    :41.3     50     1:23
6    :40.3     50     1:20

Like I said I'm slow these days.  Plus I was enjoying the sun for a change.  No need to push myself too much.  (300/700)

Then I did another 200 Kick.  (200/900)

Finsihed up with 3x100's IM on 1:45.  I should have done 4 but that is all I could do.  I'm out of swim shape.

1    1:23.3     100     1:23
2    1:23.4     100     1:23
3    1:22.3     100     1:22

I felt good but slow.  I wasn't really there to kill myuself I just wanted to be in the water.  I have a crazy month coming up in April so I might be stuck on the once a week swim thing for a bit. (300/1200)  At least I got some swim in.

My Progress for Go The Distance 2014
Month    Total Distance
Jan    2.76 miles (=4,850 yards, =4,435 meters)
Feb    4.15 miles (=7,300 yards, =6,675 meters)
Mar    3.04 miles (=5,350 yards, =4,892 meters)
Total    9.94 miles (=17,500 yards, =16,002 meters)

Umm...I swam less yards in three months then I use to in one month.  I use to swim 3,500 yards in one workout.  I'm a bit frustrated at myself but at least I'm in shape out of the pool.  I'm teaching lots of spin classes and a few other strength classes.  So I'm in the best shape ever but no running anymore and very little swimming.  I'm hoping to at some point drop a few classes so I can swim at least one or two times a week.  

The Sloppy Backstroke Workout

I'll admit it I wimped out a bit this morning.  But I did get in some swimming.  A decent swim.  A swell swim.  A slow swim.  I just had to give up a little at the end of the main set.  

Warm Up
300 Swim
200 Pull No Paddles.  I got to get my rubber tubing fixed.  I think I have some tubing in a drawer or box somewhere.  
3x100's Kick 15 seconds rest

Main Set:
2x200's (400)
2x150's (300/700)
4x100's  (400/1100)
6x50's  (I did 5, 250/1350/2150)
The base interval was 1:40 but the 50's were on a minute.  We got 10 seconds or so extra rest after the 100's to reset leaving on the 30 on the clock.  I think it we were to go off on the 20, maybe.

The 2nd 200 and 150 was to be faster then the 1st.  The 100's were all descending.  The 50's all fast.  I was told to do both 200's something other then Free, one of the 150's other then free and I forget the rest. I did the 200's and 150's backstroke.  The 100's IM.  Don't ask about the 50's.  Have I mentioned I'm out of swim shape?

1    3:03.8     200     1:32
2    2:49.7     200     1:25

3    2:14.7     150     1:30
4    2:06.5     150     1:24

5    1:32.9     100     1:33
6    1:27.3     100     1:27
7    1:26.1     100     1:26
8    1:19.9     100     1:20

9    :42.9     50     1:26
10    :40.7     50     1:22
11    :44.6     50     1:29  
12    :50.5     50     1:41
13    :33.7     50     1:07

I took a 50 off and as you can see did an easy 50.  Since I haven't been swimming that much at all and can't remember the last time I did stroke I had very sloppy stroke.  I wasn't rotating my body during my backstroke pull and started to feel some pain on my left arm generally speaking at the bicep and shoulder.  After my 2nd 50 I just gave up.  I did the 3rd one slower, then one easy free 50, took a 50 off and finished with a 50 fly.

If I did my math right that was a 2,150 yard workout.  Not bad but Oy!  I should have stayed in bed it was 40F outside.  Brrr!  Too cold for me!  At least I'm swimming and got two swims in one week.  That is a record breaker for me of late.

Oh well it's breakfast time then off to teach spinning.

The Mini Paceman Workout & More Garmin Tech Toys

Ahhh...Wednesday. My weekly "I"m outta shape swim workout day!" Luckily it was Holding Pace 100's on descending intervals which were pretty easy intervals. Unluckily I am so outta shape the concept of holding pace just doesn't compute.  

Speaking of not computing my Garmin Swim uploaded my workout but I've yet to see it on my Garmin Connect page.  Oh well, let's just say it was a slow workout.

Garmin-swimWarm Up
500 (I did 300 Swim / 200 Pull No Paddles)
3x100's Kick 15 seconds rest

Main Set:
3 Rounds
Holding Pace for all 3 Rounds.  Intervals descended each round starting at 1:50 then 1:40 and finishing up 1:35.  
(UPDATE:  The pace was your 500 yard race day pace!  Like I'd remember what a race day is.  Also we got an extra 30 seconds rest in between each round.)

When my data eventually appears I'll put up my splits.  But the first round I was 1:21, 1:20 and I think then two 1:18's.  The second round I was out in a 1:15 then 1:16 and then around the 15/16.  The third round the first one I was out faster but then settled to the 15/16 range.  

1    1:20.0     100     1:20
2    1:18.7     100     1:19
3    1:17.5     100     1:18
4    1:17.8     100     1:18
5    1:14.8     100     1:15
6    1:15.9     100     1:16
7    1:15.1     100     1:15
8    1:14.8     100     1:15
9    1:13.0     100     1:13
10    1:15.1     100     1:15
11    1:16.1     100     1:16
12    1:14.6     100     1:15

So not the best of times/splits but with once a week or once a month swimming I can't expect too much.  Plus it's not like I'm not doing dryland workouts.  I'm teaching six 60 minute spin classes, eight 30 minute spin classes and sub Core and Power (weight training) classes.  Yesterday I did Power so my body was sore.  

Total workout was 2,000 yards.  Hopefully I'll get in the water this weekend.  Last weekend I had another cold so I took time off from swimming.

My Progress for Go The Distance 2014
Month    Total Distance
Jan    2.76 miles (=4,850 yards, =4,435 meters)
Feb    4.15 miles (=7,300 yards, =6,675 meters)
Mar    1.14 miles (=2,000 yards, =1,829 meters)
Total    8.04 miles (=14,150 yards, =12,939 meters)
You'll need to pick up the pace to achieve your goal this year:
My goal pace: 17.53 miles required as of today to reach my goal by the end of the event
My actual current pace: 8.04 miles as of today

The one thing I always talk about when I talk to new members at the gym is "that numbers don't lie" in that when I first meet with them and do BMI/Body Fat % using one of those Portable Body VivofitFat Analyzer. I tell them not to worry about those numbers on Day One that over time as our body changes sometimes we may gain more muscle but less fat but weight the same or even more.  Or that we just may not see the changes in the mirror but to come back over time and retake your BMI/Body Fat % to see the changes.  Because numbers don't lie.  Which is why I like using the Garmin Swim in my workouts (Disclaimer: I purchased the Garmin Swim, my Garmin Forerunner 210 and Vivofit and wasn't approached by Garmin to talk about these products.)  I like to see how "fast" or how "slow" I'm going.  I love numbers and graphs.  Now besides my Swim and Forerunner I wear on dryland my Nike+ Fuelband and Fitbit Flex.  I use these to keep track of my daily activity.  Yeah, I know I work all day in fitness so why bother?  Well did I mention I like graphs?  But these two devices are not water resistant enough for swimming.  Yes, you can pay extra and purchase a water proof Nike+ from another company but that is extra.  But now Garmin has introduced the Garmin Vivofit which is water resistant to 50 Meters.  Now a quick search of the internet typing Vivofit and Swimming and several review sites report that you can swim with it. So I've decided to pre-order it.  Figured it will work with my ANT+ Heart Rate Monitor so I can use it at the gym and still use it at the pool.  It comes out the end of the month so look for a hands on test sometime after that. Check it out at Garmin.

The Slow Road Back To Swim Shape Workout

Two days in a row and I'm on a swim roll.  Got up early to meet up with the guys for a "coached" workout.  Usually on Wednesday's I sleep in as Tuesday and Thursday my first spin class is at 5:45am and Wednesday it's 11am.  But decided I need to get into swim shape so headed over to meet up with the gang.

Warm Up

500 Swim

4x75's Kick/Swim/Kick (300/800)

Main Set:

2x50's on 55 (100)

2x100's on 1:40 (200/300)

4x50's on 55 (200/500)

200 on 3:20 (200/700)

4x50'a on 55 (200/900)

200 on 3:20 (200/1100)

2x50's on 55 (100/1200)

2x100's on 1:40 (200/1400/2200)

The 100's were all descending and the 200's were also.  Doing this set proved that I'm really out of swim shape.  Really, bad shape!

1    :39.2     50     1:18
2    :38.7     50     1:17
3    1:18.0     100     1:18
4    1:15.1     100     1:15
5    :39.1     50     1:18
6    :39.6     50     1:19
7    :38.9     50     1:18
8    :38.8     50     1:17
I messed up the clock somehow.
1    :39.3     50     1:18
2    2:33.2     200     1:17
3    :37.6     50     1:15
4    :38.8     50     1:18
5    1:14.7     100     1:15
6    1:09.3     100     1:09

My first 200 was about 1:40 I think. The second 200 was faster then the 2:33 as I couldn't remember if I was at a 150 or 200.  Since the guy in the next lane took some of it off and was hanging by the wall I asked him then when he said that was my 200 I stopped my watch.  So I did descend my 100's and 200's.  Not nearly as fast as I was 3 years ago before moving here but at least I'm swimming. 

Whole workout 2,200 yards in like 45 minutes maybe a bit more.

2014 is not turning up to be The Year of Swimming for me.  I need to swim more but time and energy isn't helping.

My Progress for Go The Distance 2014
Month    Total Distance
Jan    2.76 miles (=4,850 yards, =4,435 meters)
Feb    4.15 miles (=7,300 yards, =6,675 meters)
Total    6.90 miles (=12,150 yards, =11,110 meters)

At least teaching spinning and personal training is keeping me in base shape.  I just need more swim time.  Hopefully when the pool closest to work reopens this spring they will have more lap swim times so I can swim in between classes and clients.  But we will see.

Another 30 Minute Swim Workout & Swim Paddles

Well at least I got in a little swim.  Hopefully I'll obey my alarm in the morning and go swimming.  LittleswimWednesday is the only weekday I can make it to the pool.  But since it was my one day to sleep in I usally sleep in.  But I need to get back into swimming.  I felt great swimming today even if I was slow.  Mind you I only swam 1,400 yards but at least I swam!

Warm Up:

200 Swim

200 Pull

200 Kick. 

I then did 50's pulling, ugh!  Normally I love pulling but my Strokemaker Paddle tubbing has fallen apart so I had to pull out a pair of Sporti Paddles.  Before I trash them let me just say I love Sporti products and the only pair of fins I wear are Sporti.  The Sporti Swim Paddles II are my least favorite pair of paddles I've owned.  I've never been a fan of the paddles that are curved in shape and make the hand a cup.  Also something about the hand entry makes me go deep almost right away.  It could be my stroke but I have a hard time reaching out "over the barrel" and getting my catch.  At times it's almost like my middle finger floats away from the paddle.  Once again it could be my stroke but I prefer Strokemakers.

Main Set:

12x50's Pulling w/ Paddles on 60.

1    :43.4     50     1:26
2    :41.8     50     1:24
3    :43.3     50     1:27
4    :43.0     50     1:26
5    :41.3     50     1:23
6    :42.7     50     1:25
7    :41.7     50     1:23
8    :42.8     50     1:26
9    :42.2     50     1:25
10    :42.0     50     1:24
11    :41.4     50     1:23
12    :44.7     50     1:30

Yeah, I know slow! 

I then kicked a 200 easy.  Making it and easy 1,400 yards in 30 minutes.